15. Insecurities

Ananya's pov

There are times when you realize that whatever you are doing is wrong and everything that you believed your whole life was a big myth. That's what happened to me. I always believed that you can run away from love, it makes you weak, I knew that I would run away before I would fall for a person.

Oh, How wrong I was. I didn't even realize that I was falling for Veer and by the time I knew it, I was gone too deep. Deeper then the ocean. I almost crossed the crust level of earth, I was in the mantle. That deep I was in for Veer. It wasn't his jerk attitude that attracted me, it were the stories that I heard about from Rudy. As to how much a teddy bear he is when it comes to his sister and Nani. As to how amazing brother he is and he might not say it but he never take things for granted. And last night when I was told his story I realized that he was no different from me, his parents were fucked up, just like mine and we knew the pain of being abandoned and alone.