20. Bliss

Ananya’s pov

Veer was a Richie rich that much I knew even before I met him, but now that I was watching his luxury, with his chartered plane, cars security and mansion I underestimated what Rudy told me. But the more I saw the more I felt proud because I knew that it was all his hard earned money, his grandfather was rich but he was the one who brought their business to the top and made it a big corporation expanding its branches to various fields.

After 17 years someone called me Anu, the name that I let only mom called me, not even Rudy called me Anu because he knew it would hurt me, so they all settled on Ana, but Veer. He gave me this name and after so many years of hearing it I felt my heart tug, it hurt at the same time but felt good I didn’t know what to say or react when he told me about his family so I just kept quiet. Listening to him I knew he was not at all fond of them.