29. You are worth everything.

Veer's pov

She was sleeping peacefully, her face on my chest leaving warm puffs of air rising goosebumps on my skin that came in their way. Her arms wrapped around me like a koala bear. It was a bittersweet moment when she told me that I was her top priority but she was not mine. How could I tell that idiot of my woman that she had been my priority ever since I had seen her.

She had been on my mind 24/7. However I didn't want her to be burdened with my past when she already had a lot on her plate. She was insecure yet but she was dealing with then just fine. I was proud that she was my wife. Any woman in her place would have lost her cool and probably kicked have out Tanya from this house the moment she would see her. But my woman was different, she wanted to know why I was doing it.