“Move! Let me pass! Get out of the way! ” I shouted at the people blocking my path.
The people in front of me cleared the way, going to each side of the sidewalk. Yelling at me, shrieking in surprise. I keep on pressing the bell of my bike to get their attention and not to hurt anyone.
“Come back here!” One of Bane’s members yelled.
They insisted on joining the bet and when I won, they asked for another round. And, as a good abiding human on the earth, I let them win, but being who they were, they abused the situation. Now, they were chasing after me because I lost the second time. Even though the tires of my bike are burnt, they still can't catch me.
“Not a single chance! I ain’t a fool, twerp!” I barked at them with a playful smile lingering on my lips. Charging away from them further and faster, leaning my body closer to the crossbar and the headset.
“Come back here! You owe us a punch!” I have no idea who shouted, but one thing is for sure, he’s also a member of Bane.
“Your gang owes me! Not the other way around!”
Tailing after me all this time is nonsense and worthless, to think that we are now fair and square. I won the first round, then they took the winner’s place in the second. So, I don’t know why they still keep on pursuing to give a punch– each of Bane’s members– that’s unfair for me, who only partake in the bet bringing no one else aside from myself.
“Beat it, slowpokes! Too slow!” I teasingly shouted.
I made a swift turn when I saw a lane, pedaling my way out of my predators’ vision. Their cussing and grunting in pain were what they had accumulated from following me. I didn’t turn my head to take a look at their situation to have the same situation as them.
There are bikes not far from me, the riders standing and waiting for me to come closer. Mischievously smirking, they faced their bicycles in my direction.
In a snap, and just beaming wildly like a lunatic, stretching each corner of its lips further upward, I diverted the head of the bike to the left. My eyes landed on my wristwatch, making me curse under my breath.
Five minutes.
A few more swift turns and change lanes just to mislead them. Luckily, I did lose some of them, but a few remain. They still followed even after kissing the ground.
This is my everyday routine. Hiding from them, when I got caught, then escape. Fortunate enough for me, my classes are always in the morning. Somehow, I can exercise my body and free my mind for a little while.
I was surprised when an asshole slid his bike coming out of nowhere.
His bike was about to hit the frontal wheel of my bike but my adrenaline made me lift the handlebars. The whole body followed suit when I jumped along with my bike.
“Stupid!” I teased when I turned my head to him as I continued to step on the pedals and turn to face the road once again.
The highway is the easiest and fastest way to leave them, so I go along with my plan. It’s not a suicidal plan, but I’d rather let a car hit me than let those thugs punch me to death. Getting hit by a car will be the fastest death I’ll experience. Those who were after me will surely slow the time of my death, and seeing me suffer is their pleasure. That’s a big no-no to me.
“Hey, bitch! Miss me?”
I snap my head to see a guy cycling next to me and that sight leaves me speechless and surprised.
I didn’t expect that someone could be this fast to follow me.
“You know that you can’t escape from us, D-T!”
If I doubled my speed from earlier, I'd make it three times faster this time— if it is even possible for a human to do so. The air that is filling my lungs isn’t helping as the oxygen coming in was less, my chest tightens from the lack of air, rapid breathing escapes my mouth.
Two minutes.
“You should have been the one who was running away from me! You didn’t let me land a fist in the first round, dirty players!”
They asked for the second round, yet they didn’t follow what we had talked about.
“What a bitch!”
Laughing at his annoyed complexion makes the air easier to get into my body.
My smile stretches further as I see a glimpse of the only haven that can save me from the slowpoke gang members that are trying their best to catch me.
“Be careful, D-T!” Mister Castro yelled, owner of the coffee shop that we used to stop by before we went to school and after we headed home. Sadly, we made a ruckus at his shop before. A few pieces of furniture got wrecked. And, Mister Castro being himself, he didn’t get mad at me and my friends, instead, he lectured us that every time there’s a fight, we should take it out.
“I will, Sire!” I yelled back, passing him.
“D-T! Ruby’s asking for her bike back!” Missus Pasita shakes her head as she reminds me about giving back the bicycle I’m currently using. She’s a computer shop owner and, just like Castro, her shop got wrecked, too. We’re temporarily banned from her shop, too bad.
“Sure will!”
I took a glimpse behind my back and saw that they were still after me. ‘Aren’t they getting tired?’
“Stop right there Demian!” Jeff commanded, leader of Banes.
“I’m afraid I can’t!” I won’t let them get me for their liking. Over my dead body!”
The warning bell resonated around the area. Sign that there are a few minutes left for every student to get inside their respective classrooms. While, in my case, halting my cycle in front of the university’s gate, a victorious smirk tracks my lips as I hold myself not to let a smile break out because the demon outside the university will go feral. I was inside the campus, while Jeff’s gang was outside, muttering profanities in the air. Jeff whacked the handlebar of his poor bike.
“Thank you for the morning workout, Jeff! That was a nice ride though!” I watched them throw glares on my way, propping my upper body by resting my elbows onto the handle grips.
He raised his fist in the air, unfolding his middle finger. He mouthed, “We will get you soon, bitch.”
I let out the smile that creeps through my lips.
Lifting my right hand to level my head, I winked at them, waving my hand in the process. “Ha-fell, idiots! Ciao! Adios! Bon Voyage!” I bids.
I started cycling once again, away from them, entering the main building. This time, not that fast or someone will scold me. I still need to park the bike before going to my classroom… or, maybe not.