
A silent room greeted Maya as she woke up again from her sleep. Looking at the clock in the room, Maya knew that she had not slept for too long this time. Maya remembered she slept past midnight after being busy discussing their sudden wedding preparations with Evan and Kevin. But when she woke up, the sky was still dark while Maya could not hear any noise from the area around her new room.

The clock shows five in the morning. It was still too early for her to wake up. But Maya, did not hesitate in the slightest as she got up to start the training she had been planning since yesterday.

After spending years in the world where only the strongest could survive, Maya felt that the body she was currently using was just too weak to be her own. She was almost out of breath just from running a hundred meters, and almost fainted just because she was trying to force her body to exercise at her usual portion. In the past, Maya had always been used to exercising. Maya naturally wouldn't allow her body to continue to be weak, especially after she was in charge of her new body at this time.

At first, Maya was a little afraid she wouldn't be able to wake up early because she had been sleeping like a dead person for these past few days. But Maya did not expect that even after her rebirth, the routine that had been engraved in her subconscious would still prevent her from sleeping well. Maya thought that since Maya always slept soundly in the hospital, her old illness that had trouble sleeping was cured once she moved to a new body. But that does not seem to be the case. Perhaps because today she was no longer getting the effects of the medicine the doctor had given her, her insomnia was bothering her once again like before.

Maya let out a long sigh as she finally got up, turned on the bedroom light before going to take a shower with unsteady steps.

Looking at the room that Evan had arranged for her, Maya finally realized that her room in Finola's original house really nothing compared to the room Maya have in this mansion. The facilities in this room are so complete, Maya has difficulty using them and ends up asking Kevin for help just so she knows how to take a shower in the bathroom. Maya knew that Kevin and Evan had given her a complicated look when she told them that she did not really have a cell phone, account, or any savings before. But Maya tried not to think about it too much, as the girl was more focused on learning new things she got at Evan's house.

After all, the discovery made Maya no longer need to announce the reason she wanted to break her family ties to the two of them. Maya is sure that now both of them have understood, that Maya is merely using Evan so that she can get away from her trash family for now.

That way, Maya hoped that Evan would no longer be too wary of her. Because indirectly Maya has proven to Evan, that she really is in the same boat as the man this time.

Since Maya really did not bring anything with her when she left her original house, Maya could only borrow another maid's clothes as a change of clothes for now. After bathing, Maya neatly rolled up her borrowed clothes to make it easier for her to move freely in the slightly oversized clothes. Maya once again took a deep breath, as the girl finally came out of the room that Evan had arranged for her to stay in.

After that, Maya, who had woken up so early where most of people were still sleeping, appeared quietly in Evan's yard to do some basic stretching.

"Young lady, why did you wake up so early and be here? Is there anything we can help you with?"

The garden workers who used to wake up early at Evan's residence were immediately surprised when they saw Maya coming out of the house at this early hour. The girl not only had woken up earlier than most people, but also wanted to do exercises when people were still too lazy to move in the cold temperature of the morning.

"It is fine. I just could not sleep anymore, so I went out for a bit of exercise in the morning. Ah, it is fine if I run around this place right?"

Seeing the gardener's worried face, Maya was afraid that there would be certain restrictions during her stay in Evan's house that she did not know about. But the gardener hastily shook his head. "Young Lady is free to go wherever you wants. But it is still too early, usually no one leaves the house this early. Moreover, this place also too spacious. Not all places get light because of the size of this place."

First of all, Maya has been accustomed to a place that lacks of light. In a way, Maya was even more used to being in the dark than living in a bright place in her new world. The girl looked at the area around her, before nodding confidently at the gardener.

"It is not too dark. I will be fine. If anyone is looking for me, just say I am running around this place. I would not bother you any longer. Good job, I will be going now."

The gardeners were dumbfounded when they saw Maya calmly start running as if the exercise was her daily routine. "This Young Lady is so excited. We can only go out in warm clothes. But that Young Lady, she can go out with only those thin clothes. Geez, I just hope she does not accidentally invite some illness after this. Mr.Evan gets sick very easily. I am afraid she will trouble Mr.Evan or Mr.Kevin later."

One of the gardeners said as he shook his head. Slowly, one by one they started to disperse. They also still have their own duties, it seems useless if they keep trying to warn a girl from wandering around the house.

When people started to get busy with their own business, Maya who just started running keeps on panting even though she's only run a few tens of meters. Her footsteps felt very heavy, as if she was carrying tens of kilos of weight while running. Maya knew she felt it because her real body had rarely exercised before. But Maya will not let her body continue to be weak like this. Maya's target, at least her body could reach the same level as her original body in her previous world. This little body must be able to be agile, and withstand this kind of easy exercise.

Thinking about her old life, Maya kept trying to speed up her pace when her body was already screaming to give up. Looking at the corners which is not illuminated by the light, Maya slowly felt goosebumps all over her body until the girl involuntarily started to speed up her running. At first Maya did not think much about her body's response. But as she started to walk along the edge of Evan's pitch-dark courtyard, the uneasy feeling grew stronger as Maya's thoughts slowly turned more and more chaotic.

It seemed Maya was underestimating her current death too much. She was clearly not afraid to see dark place before. But when she did stand so close to the darkness, her body involuntarily started to stretch as Maya instinctively started to avoid such places. Again and again Maya tries to convince herself that zombies do not exist in this peaceful world. But the sound of zombie screams still rang in Maya's ears, as her eyes hurriedly avoided the corners of Evan's dark yard.

"Hah, hah."

Maya could only hear the sound of her own breathing as she continued to run in the silent surroundings. Things get worse when Maya suddenly imagines that she is in her old world right now. The same silence, the same darkness. The zombies would pounce on her if she stopped running right now.
