Sleep Together

Evan watched as Maya gently removed the hand that covered his face. The girl smiled gently, as she looked at Evan with a sad look.

"I believe you. I too, believe in you Evan. And don't worry, I'm a magical girl he won't be able to beat easily. Ah no. I'll never lose to him. You don't have to worry. And sorry... I never knew you've been suffering like this all this time."

Evan fell silent as Maya tried to calm him down with her soft voice. In her beautiful eyes, Evan could again see the determination that could make people believe in her words. Maya is a very strange girl. Even her abilities and attitudes all this time have proven that Maya is not the same as the people he has met so far.

Maya is different. And it was that difference that had saved Evan time and time again.

"...Sorry I kissed you without your permission."