Talk In Private


Kevin groaned softly as he woke up and an immediate pain hit his entire body. The man tried to stretch his aching body. Ever since Maya stayed with them and helped them get a quality sleep with her cooking, it felt like this was the first time he had woken up in such a bad state. His conversation with Evan kept Kevin up all night. Kevin pondered until he forgot his dinner. "No wonder," Kevin thought. He wakes up in an unpleasant state in the morning.

When Kevin woke up, the sun seemed to have almost reached the top of the sky. The man walked out of the room with unsteady steps, then met Maya who was squatting in the television room while watching a cooking show.

Kevin was too used to seeing Maya's very strange habits. The girl stopped squatting when she felt his presence. Maya smiled a little, as she greeted Kevin before the man could greet her first.