Siana’s face expression changed. Fear, anger, confusion, was what she felt looking into his face. Everything was going too fast, she’d just learned that she was sold and now the person that she was sold to was standing in front of her.

Alexander looked down at his watch then back up at Siana’s parents with his eye brow raised. He remembered what happened the night before, he’d found is really funny, the most beautiful way to meet someone.

He gazed over to Siana’s shivering body on the ground and made his way over to her with long confident strides. He had no time to pretend to be a nice guy, he was a busy man. He had places to be and people to meet.

“Don’t fuck up my plans,” he said pushing his jacket aside showing her a gun, “I’ll give you ten minutes to get dressed.” He said reaching out his long pale hand to her.

She didn’t want to accept, neither did she wanted to decline, it would seem rude if she did and if she accepted then there would be no backing out. If she could get on his good side then maybe, just maybe he would terminate the contract. By being her true self, by being submissive then maybe she could get out of this god forsaken marriage.

A frown spread across his face. It was clear that he wasn’t a patient person. He pulled back his hand, "Fine,” he said smiling. “Get dressed, Aden will be waiting for you outside,” he said and bid Siana’s parents good bye.

Siana hated his callous attitude, she was sick of him already. He had no respect for the persons around him. He did what she wanted where ever he wanted. She hated that smile of his. She could tell that it had a devastating backstory, something she had no interest of getting to know.

Mrs. Jones dragged her up from the ground and pulled her to her room. “Quick, put this on,” she said handing her a short gold fine strap dress.

Siana felt betrayed by her parents but she could see the desperation and worry in her mother’s eyes, she could tell that something was off about that guy. All she had to do was listen, and follow her parents’ instructions.

She pulled the dress over her head and grabbed her phone. Siana exited her bedroom to be met by some unknown faces, “I’m Lisa Stills, I’ll be your personal assistance as from today,” she said bowing. “And this is Nick Stones,” your body guard Aden said smiling. This was really a scene from a movie. Why would she want a personal assistant and a body guard? Looking at how they all conducted their selves in professional manners, a question popped up in her head; who exactly was this guy?

She greeted the new faces with awkward forced smiles. In her head she had planned a beautiful simple marriage with, who knows maybe the guy from the coffee shop down the street. Not with a stranger that assigned assistant and body guard to her, pushing her around, not a Stanger that goes around buying persons.

“This way Miss Jones,” Nick said leading her to the door. She wanted to know where to but was too scared to ask, she wanted to say no but she didn’t want to cause any trouble. Siana gazed up at her parents with a sad smile and exited the house, heading towards the car.

After counting every passing tree through the window of the car, trying to calm her nerves the car finally stopped. Siana stepped out of the car and began looking around. Not even if she had worked all her life she couldn’t afford a house like the one that stood before her eyes, not with the payment she received, not with the beauty and luxury of this house.

She was standing in front of a mansion, one that only a billionaire could afford. A house that was twenty times bigger than her family’s house. The garden looked like it was taken out of a historical series, beautiful, green and elegant. She wanted to go wild, run along the long paths under the beautiful trees, smelling the flowers and splash in the pond, feeling the cool wind and warm sun on her skin. Such beauty was right before her eyes. The sweet scents of the flowers blew across her nose, relaxing her body as she followed behind Aden up to the door.

Lost in her mind thinking about her parents she stumbled on the steps, this was the clumsy side of Siana, the side that would lit her house on fire babysitting a candle. A man dressed formally in black opened the door and she entered feeling embarrassed. Her eyes flickered from Aden’s back to the stairs that sat in the center of the room, pure luxury. It looked like it was made out of diamonds and gold. It glittered as the light from the chandelier reflected on it and the light lit up at every step Aden took going up the stairs.

The windows were sparkling, capturing the ray of the sun. The entire building gave her a welcoming feeling. The theme color pleased her eyes. It was as if it was specially decorated to her likings. The thoughts of her parents selling her out for a couple of grand popped up in her head as she saw money printed over every inch of the house, it gave her a headache then the thoughts of what awaited her came up next, thoughts like; where was he taking her? Why was everyone dressed formally in black? She could hear the echoes of her heart throughout the room. She could feel her world collapsing as she made her way up the stairs, slowly following behind Aden.

“Pease enter Miss Jones,” Aden said showing her to the door. She did as she was told. She pushed the door uncertain of what her eyes and ear would meet.

Immediately a hand was wrapped around her waist pulling her close. Siana looked up frighten.

She was met by Alexander’s fuck boy smile and murderous eyes, such unique combination.

“Shhh,” he whispered with his finger on his lips.