"Well, I couldn't dream better. Sabrina, you will understand why the person who preceded you in this room softened like a lamb for a month!" He says with determined eyes. He went to the table in the middle where the equipment he had materialized was stored on it. "Sabrina, I know it will be a waste of time if I proceed with the brutal way! So suddenly, I thought a lot about how to proceed with you. With your current level, your will, and your pride... it is impossible for me to finish with you as soon as possible." He said with his back turned while he classified the kit by category.
"Hmm? You simply don't have the will to hurt me. But I must admit that you have reason on one point, I would do everything possible to prevent you from passing this test! After all, your life depends on it. And I've never played with that, even if it's you, master." She Stressed with her proud look!