"Sigh, master... it's not a stone but a crystalline heart. Sigh, how many times should I beg you not to make fun of our late monarch? In short, if you don't mind, it's time for us to proceed with your true awakening." She said in a monotonous tone as the expression on her face became inexpressive.
"It's the same. A stone will remain a stone. But well, let's move on... what do you mean by real awakening? Besides, what is awakening? Before that, you'll have to explain to me in detail... what happened when this stone reacted to my body?" Asked Alvine in a monotonous tone. He had the intuition that if he did not clarify this point, his heart will not be at peace because of the emotions of the former owner of his body.
"Sigh, if you want. But please try to stay calm while keeping your emotions under control. You almost died of a heart attack just a minute ago."