"This is indeed the cause. But now, it doesn't matter too much since the person who invoked us is no longer of this world. Not to mention that originally, you had not done this on purpose. So I'm not going to exaggerate things." He said by pulling one of the ministers' chairs that were on the other side of the room with its magic and sitting on it without worrying about manners
"!!!" The reaction of the king differs from that of the queen who had now become accustomed to Alvine's strange towers. But he instantly repressed his emotions. "In this case, I have two questions for you. What are your motivations now? And my second question is, if you are not magic beasts, then what kind of species you are? In our world, we have only three races here. We Kelspiennes, the Snow Elves who live in the north, and the mysterious race who never go out into their hiding places. Are you one of their citizens?!" Asked the king with a monotonous and placid voice.