The beginning of the...

"Well, the reason we gathered here to conclude a global alliance is that magic beasts of the other dimension began to invade our territories, and kill everything that lives there! These are world-class calamities that must be contained and controlled as soon as possible otherwise, extermination is the only thing we will face." The King of the Kelspies made a brief and clear introduction to the cause of holding this meeting.

"Are they so strong, the magic beasts of this planet?" Asked Sylvia in a calm and placid voice.

The reason for her curiosity is that she knew more than anyone else that this planet is a Tier 3 planet that probably houses several low-ranking deities. But strangely, since she landed on the said planet with her master, they have only met weak races. Only Noddra deserves to be the native of this planet. Even if he hides his strength, Sylvia's piercing eyes could unseat the mystery behind him, regardless of his efforts.