The blood ritual.

"Whites, he's going to join me, black, he’ll not join me." Serena was sitting in the living room with the three nervous kings while she was having fun with her little coin.

But every time she threw the token into the air, it disappeared, broke, or didn't stop on any side.

"Sigh, this man is more and more intriguing. No matter how hard I try to change his destiny or take a look at it, I can't find any clue about him." She said, looking at Zanac who was lying on the floor with his head beheaded.

"Mi-Mistress, what did you plan to do with my general? However, he was lucky to have the right to life, but you still killed him; by returning to your words." Brave naturally did not agree with Zanac's death who is not only one of his most powerful generals but also his most confident friend.

Seeing him die so miserably was like seeing a member of his family die in front of him.