Four minutes rather...
"Sylvia, are you going to join the lord too?" Lilliana, who has just met Sylvia in front of the meeting room, asked.
"Huh? Yes, I just sent back... Ahem, I just completed a task assigned to me by my master. So I intend to give him details as soon as possible when he completes the task he’s currently doing." She suddenly stopped in her sentence after realizing that she was going to make the same mistake as the previous time.
As for Lilliana, she did not pay attention to this small detail, she had to solve the problem that her race was currently facing.
"Finally, it wasn't too early;" Alvine spoke in a monotonous voice while looking at the white cocoon that was beginning to crack.
Lilliana, who has just entered the meeting room, had exhaustive eyes when she saw the giant 'egg' in front of her.
Even if she could guess the white egg’s contents, she could not understand what was happening in the meeting room.
Lilliana: "Sylvia, is it...