The blood ring.

"In short, if not, what do you decide? Do you prefer to start with the box or link to the cape?"

"...I think I want to see what this box contains above all. I don't like mysteries." Alvine gave this answer after a brief reflection.

"Hihi~, I understand you; it's a real torture to waddle with such a thing without knowing what it contains. According to the name and the material that makes up this box, I am already sure it contains a primordial pill!"

Seeing her excitement, Alvine thinks twice in a row about his decision. He’d not be surprised to see Linnaella tear off the box's contents if something invaluable ever sprang inside.

Noticing Alvine's silence, Linn sighed with frustration. "What is this look you're looking at me? You still don't think I'm going to try to take what belongs to you by force, do you?"

"It's likely."

"Tsk, do you think I'm so shameless?!"