You won't leave here until you become transcendent!


The entire castle trembles fiercely, but no one has been disturbed by this fact; recently, the castle suffered more ferocious tremors than those that had been happening for some time.

Residents continued to perfect their arts under the tutelage of a fierce and ruthless tutrix who used all the means at her disposal to bring out each person's full potential.

"Huff! This psychopath will end up killing us if it continues!" A man with slightly pointed ears and blood-red eyes falls to the ground after practicing the training method that Fy had assigned to him and the vampires present on the planet.

"Stand up, little shit lazy! You will have time to laz when you can show me your wings!" One of Fy's doppelgangers, who personally trained him, appeared in front of him with fierce eyes.

"Ugh! You told me the same thing before I reached the intermediate divine rank!" Tears came to his eyes after hearing Fy's words.