Unknown lands.

Hot, asphyxiating, and boiling.

These were the first feelings of Alvine and his men when they appeared on the other side of the portal.

Astonished, the heat they felt was probably one of the strangest mysteries they had ever faced before.

Already, for such beings to feel the weather changes, the temperature must be beyond what a human, living in a volcanic cave, can withstand.

But this wasn't the strangest thing, no, even far; it was to see that apart from the arid land and the winds of the Harmattan, their environment did not shelter volcanic areas.

For some reason, Alvine found this detail too rude; especially since he had not felt such a current of hot air.

If there were no volcanic areas, then where did this unbearable heat they felt come from?

"My lord, this place may represent unique characteristics." Askald made this remark as if he could guess Alvine's thoughts.