Chapter 12

Everything went back to normal, except for the fact that Kari visited Seyden every morning before going to school.

The princes got busy dealing with their responsibilities and Amelia was the same as before. Finally, the holidays came.

×In the Prince dorm×

Kari was sitting on the sofa as her finger continuously tapped her phone. "Today is the last day of school before the midterm holidays. Are you guys going back to your hometowns?"

"Well, I and the rest are going. I don't know about Amelia though." Xlec said as he spun a pen between his fingers. Kari turned to look at Amelia who seem dampened by the question.

"I'm going back home...My mom asked me too." Amelia said, clearly upset. "How about Seyden...?" Kari suddenly asked. "I'm bringing him. I'm gonna ask my mom and dad to see if they can help Seyden perhaps go home." Arties replied.

Kari nodded in acknowledgement. "Looks like I'm gonna be alone this holidays. I planned to stay here." Kain raised an eyebrow, "How come? Your parents didn't ask you to go home?"

Kari shakes her head, "They did, but I sent a text that I was staying here for 'studies'. They agreed to it, but I'm sure they just want their sweet times." Kari said, expressing an 'ugh'.

Xlec chuckled while Kari was still imitating a throwing up person.


Soon the Princes and Amelia went off back to their homes.

Seyden was very disgruntled when he realised he had to be separated from Kari who he got attached to and felt the most comfortable around.

Kari was left alone at the academy and it was quite empty. Very few students could be seen around the campus and it felt very unusual and different from the usual bustling academy.

Kari decided to go visit the famous lake in the school that was known as one of the most romantic spots. Sitting on the wooden bench, she stared at the glistening surface of the water, sighed and closed her eyes.

Just then, she heard a familiar voice call out to her. "Heyyyy! I didn't expect to see you here!" Kari turned behind, surprised to see her ex-teammate, Maida.

"I thought you went back home!" Maida said as she plopped down next to Kari. Kari chuckled, "Decided not to. Got to let my parents have some private time you know." She winked at Maida as she said it who laughed. "I see you," Maida replied.

Just then, Kari heard her stomach growl. She looked at Maida awkwardly. "Can we go to the cafeteria?" She asked. Maida grinned and nodded, rubbing her stomach, "I feel quite hungry too!" She said. Kari smiled in delight as they got up and went to the cafeteria.

Going inside the cafeteria, Kari, along with Maida, immediately grabbed a tray and went to pick out their food choices.

They look around the almost empty cafeteria when they spotted the rest of their ex-teammates. All are seated at one table and seem to be chatting about something. Kari gestured to Maida who nodded and made their way over there.

Greeting with a smile, "Hey! It must be fate if all of you are here!" Kari jokingly said. The others look surprised by the sudden arrival. "Can me and Maida sit?" Kari asked. Qino, who quickly got out of his thoughts, nodded with a gentle smile.

"Great!" Kari took a seat next to Aide. While Maida sat next to Valac whom Qino was sitting next to. Digging into her food, Kari asked curiously. "What are you guys talking about?" They all looked at each other before coming to a silent agreement.

Aiden spoke up first, "I....found something on the internet." Kari tilts her head, gesturing to continue. "It was a government document. I was playing around with their database. But...I spotted a file that seem really suspicious and out of place. So I made a duplicate of it and saved it to my USB. I look through the file and its contents are quite....shocking."

Kari raised an eyebrow, " The content is...?" Aiden pulled out his phone and handed it to Kari. Kari's eyes skimmed over the document and afterwards, her eyes were wide open like saucers. "Holy shit...." She muttered. I know about this context...but to exist in this era.


grєατ мαgє ʑєท∂α ωiℓℓ αgrєє τσ ทστ ℓєτ τнє ciτiʑєทs кทσω τнє єxisτєทcє σƒ τнє ∂ємσท кiทg αท∂ ωiℓℓ ทστ ℓαυทcнє∂ αทy ατταcкs αgαiทsτ τнєм.

∂ємσท кiทg αℓυsis ωiℓℓ αgrєє τσ ทστ τєrrσrisє τнє кiทg∂σмs σƒ rυiriท, ʑυτєrrα, ∂irυs, sєsτα, i∂υʑiα αท∂ ωiℓℓ ทστ ℓєτ τнє ciτiʑєทs кทσω σƒ τнєir єxisτєทcє.

нєrєвy, ωє вστн ∂єcℓαrє τσ αвi∂є вy τнis rυℓєs αท∂ ทєvєr ∂isσвєy τнєм


Rosacea Lenda Yamiliton,

Leon Alusis Clarke


"I can't believe there's even a demon king in this era..." Kari said in disbelief as she re-read the letter over again.

Aiden said excitedly, "How about we try to find him!?" Everyone except Kari looked at him as if he was crazy. "Are you nuts Aiden?" Qino said, digging into his ice cream. "Why not?" Kari said, a small smile appearing on her lips. "It might be fun!"

"Besides what are we even gonna go for this past 2 months?" Kari added. "Uh, I don't know. Maybe not try to knock on death's door?" Maida said sarcastically. Kari pouted, "Cmonnn! Let's at least try to find where this demon king lives!"

Everyone stayed quiet for a while until everyone finally relented and agreed. "Listen! We are ONLY going to find where the demon king lives and not go into his castle! Got it?" Maida said, glaring at Kari.

In return, Kari gulped and nodded.

'A few days later

Kari was waiting at the school gate for the others, a backpack filled with essentials was on her back. While the extra essentials were in her space storage.

She then saw Aiden running towards her, wearing a green waterproof backpack, waving a piece of paper in his hands with Qino, Valac and Maida behind. All wearing backpacks.

"We can go out now! Come on!" Aiden said excitedly, as he shoved the piece of paper to Kari who took a look at it. Kari then nodded and put it in her backpack, "Alright great. Let's go now. I assume the castle must be in a non-populated place. It could also be covered with an extremely advanced and strong illusion barrier. So I look at the map of this country and marked some non-populated areas we can go to. It's quite fat so I rented super fast magic and bulletproof camping car which came with a robot driver, seats, toilet, small kitchen."

Kari gestured towards the black car which was like a super huge black camping car, and everyone stared in shock. "Being rich sure is nice..." Aiden murmured. Kari giggled as she got into the car with the others.

"Everyone, make yourself at home! I'm gonna go set the destination!" Kari went off and their trip began.

•A few days later•

"We're almost arriving at our first location," Kari informed the rest. "Y'all better get ready." Kari stood up and made her way over to the passenger's seat which was placed next to the robot driver.

Soon they arrived at their designated location. Everyone got off the car, stunned by the amazing view. "This place is so beautiful!" Maida exclaimed, looking from left to right. Qino nodded as well in agreement.

They were on a cliff, they could see many lush green trees and bushes. They could also hear the sound of a waterfall nearby, and a huge mountain stood behind all of them. (The trees and waterfall) Kari lifted up her hand, trying to feel any fluctuations of magic.

Kari's face soon had a frown, sighed and shook her head at the others. "No magic waves around here." Kari looked down, "Let's go explore for a while, it's good for us if we exercise, train or stretch for a bit. I'm gonna go first!" Before anyone could say anything, Kari jumped off the cliff without warning.

"With Kari"

Landing on two feet, Kari grinned as she felt the exhilaration running through her blood. She immediately took off, running through the forest, dodging incoming branches and leaves.

She then heard the sound of water crashing down and slowed down, right in front of a majestic waterfall.

Her eyes shined brightly as she looked at the wonders of nature present that were presented right before her eyes. You rarely could see this kind of thing back on earth due to the pollution that humans had caused.

"Woohoo!" She fist-pumped as she shouted. Dashing off once again, leaving behind the others.

☆Back in the camping car☆

"I had so much fun!" Kari laughed as she retold what she had just done to the others. A towel was wrapped around her shoulders as she had taken a dip in a lake she found with her clothes on.

Resulting in her coming back completely soaked. She could have gotten a cold if it weren't for the fact that her immune system cells were strong.

"I should go set for the next destination now!" Kari got up, with a cup of warm water in her hands as she made her way over to the front part of the car. Kari quickly popped back in and the camping car once again started moving.

Maida got up and yawned, "I'm gonna go sleep. Inform me if anything comes up." Aiden and Valan, meanwhile had resumed playing on their phones while Qino took out a paper book to read. Kari decided to go sleep and went off to her room.

Awaiting for their next destination...

{A day later in the middle of the night...}

A loud alarm suddenly within the car, jolting everyone awake. Kari rushed to the front part of the car, alarmed to see a huge warning on the screen. Informing them that they were surrounded by A ranked monsters.

Gritting her teeth, she quickly went back to inform the others who had deep frowns as well. "There's about 5 A ranked monsters outside, surrounding us. Please take caution. Each of us will fight one A ranked monster. If you are done killing it, go and assist the others. Got it?" Everyone nodded at Kari's words and they went out of the car.

The A ranked monsters were standing on two feet and were the size of an elephant, they had glowing blue eyes and 4 horns were sprouting from their heads, their black skin was extremely rough and thick. It felt like hitting an impregnable wall. Everyone quickly went ahead to attack each of the monsters.

Kari blinded the monster with black fog that floated out of her arms, quickly creating a huge lava ball and throwing it at them multiple times from different sides as she dashed from one side to another, avoiding the monster's attack.

"Hey, Master." Kari almost got a heart attack as a sudden voice sounded in her head. 'You scared me to death Austin! What do you want?'

"I want the soul of that monster and the others. Just envelop the monster in absolute darkness fog and I will get the soul myself." Kari nodded and she quickly summoned thick black fog and envelop the monster entirely in black." After getting consent from Austin that he had gotten the soul. She took back the fog and saw the monster lying on the ground, completely dead.

She turn back to look at the others and saw that Qino had just taken down the monster, knocking it in the eyes to distract it and using plants to rise from the ground to trap the monster and choke it.

Valac had frozen it and was helping Maida. Aiden had summoned a huge water bubble and had drowned and electrified the monster to death with a smug look on his face. Maida and Valac finally killed the monster.

While the others were congratulating the others for their win, Kari had sneakily enveloped all the monsters in black fog, giving their souls to Austin who was happy and satisfied.

Everyone was now exhausted and tired out from the fight. Stumbling into the car, they quickly went to sleep while Kari had resumed the trip and also went to sleep.

Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day for them.