Chapter 24

"Elisa- No! DON'T TOUCH THAT!" Kari came swooping in, picking up a 7-year-old young girl, holding her tightly in her arms.

Elisa - Daughter of Damon and Amelia

What Elisa was about to grab was a

huge scythe on a stand. Kari sighed with exasperation as she noticed Elisa's watering eyes and pout.

Obtaining brown hair from her father, Elisa had emerald eyes from the mixture of yellow and blue eyes.

Kari had turned 32 years old this year.

She patted her head, "There, there. Let's go to big brother Sazuki and Cyox to visit, okay?"

In a persuading tone, Elisa rubbed her eyes and grinned happily, she reach out to wrap her arms around Kari's neck, latching onto her. "Okay, Aunt Kari!"

Kari smiled, she teleported, appearing inside a studio apartment.

Sazuki and Cyox was both fashion clothes designer. In the studio, there was countless of tapes, cloths, fabrics, pencils, papers, ect. Ect. Mannequins were placed around the studio. Some having unfinished cloth on them.

Kari look around and saw no one. 'It must be their break time. They should be in the forest room then.' Turning around, she walked towards a wooden door and push it open.

Feeling the familiar breeze and the sounds of chirping entering her ears. Up ahead, she saw Sazuki and Cyox chatting, they were both sitting on a flat rock near a lake with a gushing waterfall on the other side.

Both were wearing fashionable clothes as they ate while chatting.

Sazuki | 29 years old |

Cyox | 28 years old |

"Sazuki! Cyox!" Kari called out, lifting one arm up and waving at them.

They both turn to look at their new guests and their eyes lit up. Sazuki got up first and jogged towards them.

Immediately when he got closer, he made a funny face to Elisa who giggle in delight as she unwrapped her arms from Kari's neck and reach out towards Sazuki who took her in his arms.

Just then, a small, transparent bubble vaporized out of thin air next to Kari.

Inside it was a small blue screen.

"Hm?" Kari lifted one finger to pop the bubble and the screen landed in her hands. "Oh crap, I have a visitor." She look up from the screen, "Take care of Elisa for me again? Make sure shes safe! I don't wanna get killed by Damon's scolding again."

Sazuki chuckled and nodded, "I will onee-chan!"

Kari smiled, she rubbed his head. "That's my good boy."

In an instant, she vanished once again.


Appearing at the waiting room of the castle, she was about to turn to ask the servant who had arrived when she spotted the guest's familiar face and green hair.

Her eyes widen, "S-Seyden!?"

Seyden also had the same reaction. He blink and rubbed his eyes again. "No way..." He muttered. Getting up, he felt shaky. He then stumbled towards Kari and enveloped her in a hug.

And immediately burst into tears, "Wahhhhhhh! Kari-chan! Do you know how much I miss you!? I couldn't find you anywhere! Why are you here???"

Seyden | 34 years old | King of Archert


Just then, they heard a small cough and seemingly, extremely heated glare being directed to a certain someone...

Kari gulped, she turned her head around to see Zayd with his arms crossed, his eyes narrowed, eyebrows furrowed and a frown etched onto his lips as he saw Seyden hugging Kari tightly.

Zayd | 587 years old | Husband of Kari and King of Ocsterstan


In a rush of panic, Kari quickly remove Seyden's hands away from her and shove him away, scampering towards Zayd. "Zayd-! Honey, calm down!" She reach out to cup his cheeks.

Finally, Zayd turn to look at Kari. His eyes soften.

Kari breathed a sigh of relief as she got pulled into Zayd's embrace and Zayd started resting his chin on her head, sniffing her hair from time to time and placing light kisses.

Kari look at Seyden awkwardly who was still blinking in confusion as his eyes scale up and down from Zayd to Kari.

"You- You're- YOU'RE THE QUEEN OF OSCERSTAN!?" Seyden shouted in disbelief. Annoyed by his sudden loud claim, Zayd hissed and glared harshly at Seyden who immediately backed and cowered like a frightened puppy.

"Sorry..." Seyden apologised.

"Ahaha... it, happens often. Anyways, what are you doing here?" Kari questioned.

"Well. I wanted to sign a contract in order to avoid a war." Seyden said.

Kari smiled, "Ah, that? Hold on, lemme get the contract."

Kari snapped her fingers and a scroll appeared in her hand, she pulled it open, and reach into her space storage and pulled out a pen. Signing her name, she then toss the scroll to Seyden who caught it easily with one hand who unroll the scroll to read it.

"You already have a prepared contract for this situation?" Seyden asked curiously as he read the conditions. Everything was 50/50.

Kari nodded. Seyden nodded, "I see. I shall sign it and head off then."

Seyden pulled out a pen from his pocket and without a second thought signed his name down. He then toss it back to Kari who caught it and she snap her fingers and the scroll disappeared.

Just before Seyden went, he look at Kari with sparkling eyes, "I can come back here again, right?"

Kari chuckled and nodded.

Seyden then smiled, and he finally went off back to his kingdom.


"Amelia, I swear Elisa is a handful! How on earth do you take care of her like, 24/7?" Kari asked as she lifted up her teacup and sipped it.

Amelia smiled mysteriously, bringing her hand to her mouth. "I guess mother's instincts?"

Amelia | 32 years old | Wife of Damon and Queen of Dirus | Mother of Elisa


"Har har," Kari rolled her eyes as she turned her attention to Maida who was on her phone, typing. She raised an eyebrow, "Who are you texting?"

Golden hoops hanging from her ears, without turning her head and resting her cheek on her fist, she said in a bored tone, "One of my students. They're asking how to handle the Knight apprentices. I swear they can't do anything without me..."

Maida | 33 years old | General of Ruirin


"Good luck to them then. I bet it's their first time trying to teach other students. Go easy on them okay?" Maida hummed and nodded slightly.

Kari look at the others, she tapped her fingers.

"By the way... You two still haven't gotten kids yet. Are you planning to get one soon or adopt?"

Yona smiled, "I want to have one next year."

Yona | 33 years old | Wife of Xlec and Queen of Sesta


Megumi pursued her lips, "For me, its adopting... I'm too scared to give birth..."

Megumi | 32 years old | Wife of Kain and Queen of Ruirin


For Reina, currently, her kid was 9 years old.

Reina | 32 years old | Wife of Arties and Queen of Iduzia


Kari finally turn to look at the new face of their group.


She was a demon nymph that had joined recently. Who was she, you may ask?

Well, shes actually the wife of Sugo. Yep, Sugo had gotten a wife.

He had met her at his local sweet shop and well, they got to know each other, fell in love, yadayadayada. They got married! Yay!

Jasmin | 356 years old | Wife of Sugo | Royal Seamstress


Jasmin widen her eyes and open her mouth but no words seem to be able to come out. Her face flushed with embarrassment as she look down at her lap to start fiddling with her fingers.

The others saw her cute, silly antics and all laughed. Earning an even more flustered and panicky look from Jasmin.

Jasmin actually had a communication disorder. She couldn't speak and express herself very well. However, Sugo had seem to understand her like he was reading her mind. That's why they got along so well.

Kari patted Jasmin's shoulder. "Calm down! We're laughing because you're just too cute!"

Hearing her words, Jasmin blushed and nodded slightly, hiding her face expression behind her hair bangs.

'Friends... are really nice...'

A small smile appeared on her lips, she was glad she had friends now.

"Hey, do y'all want some lollipops?" Hearing the metal chair scraping across the hard ground, a young-looking woman plop down onto a seat, her brown hair tied up into pig tails, she had a lollipop sticking out from her mouth.

Maintaining her child-like aura and appearance, this was Cavia. The wife of Qino.

Cavia | 29 years old | Wife of Qino | Doctor Mage

"Cavia! You finally arrived!" Kari said with a smile, "What held you?"

"Cause of a patient. They were being really fussy and Qino was being nice and dealt with it for a while until he couldn't take it anymore and just threw him out." Cavia giggled with the image imprinted in her mind.

"Sounds like him... Even though Qino is all smiles, he's really scary." Megumi muttered.

Cavia winked at her and pointed a finger gun, "You bet!"

Further away, you could hear the voices of two kids. One girl and one boy, Elisa and Anderson - 9 years old, son of Reina and Arties.

He obtained raven black hair and eyes from his father.

He was beaming happily as he played with Elisa in the garden.

In his hands, laid a beautiful, woven flower crown. He got onto his knees and place the flower crown on Elisa's head who gasp and grinned.

She gave a closed-eye smile to Anderson who blushed slightly, "Thanks Anderson!"

Twining his fingers together, he mumbled a small thank-you.

Meanwhile, with the guys...

"I stumbled upon another obstacle of my latest research." Arties said as he sighed.

Arties | 34 years old | Husband of Reina and King of Iduzia

His appearance changed quite a bit when he was younger. Arties had a different hairstyle now and he had a pair of golden-rimmed spectacles that added a sense of elegance towards him.

Xlec groaned, "Don't you do anything else besides your research!?"

Xlec | 34 years old | Husband of Yona and King of Sesta

Xlec's appearance had remained the same, except he grew taller and bigger.

Damon scoffed, "Atleast he's doing something productive unlike you, Xlec."

Damon | 34 years old | Husband of Amelia and King of Dirus

Damon's appearance change quite also. His hair colour got smoother and somehow, his skin was literally the smoothest shit you ever seen. His yellow eyes had faded to a dull brown.

Kain ignored them and just focused on eating his cake.

Kain | 34 years old | Husband of Megumi, King of Ruirin

Kain cut his hair and now wore accessories. He stopped wearing his black gloves but wear things like male earrings and a silver, wedding ring.

Sugo was tapping his knee impatiently, he really wanted to go see his lovely Jasmin. Just like Zayd, he was absolutely smitten with Jasmin and would do anything for her.

Sugo | 584 years old | Husband of Jasmin and Assistant of Demon King - Zayd

Sugo's appearance also changed, his sky blue hair had grew even brighter and he changed his hairstyle. He no longer had that arrogant look on his face from before due to meeting Jasmin, when she had first placed her hand on his shoulder when Sugo had dropped something on the floor by accident in the Candy Shop and Jasmin picked it up.

Having no communication skills, all she could do was silently run up to him, and clasp her hand on his shoulder.

And well, that was how they met.


End of Epilogue Part 1