Awakening with a new body

Alex sees nothing around him only darkness and feels warm and fuzzy like when his mother used to hug him while she makes Alex fall asleep. He still doesn't know what's going on he still remembered how he died which made him uncomfortable.

- "Did that girl that I saved to find the help that she needs? I hope she did or my sacrifice would be in vain" Alex thought

Alex felt a huge force pushing him and something wet all over his body, He finally saw some light and felt hands grabbing his head.

- "Wait what!?"

A few months later he is in a body of a baby named Blair Anne Anderson, And yes Alex is now a girl named Blair which is weird for Alex. He wanted to be a guy because he was a virgin in his past life but he couldn't even do that now. dejected Alex still is grateful for the new life he has.

Alex still hasn't figured out where she is so Alex now just focuses on making plans for the future and thought

- "Don't people in novels have this kind of plot? so do I have some sort of system that makes me stronger when I level up? that would be nice."

Then after 2 years Blair now can walk but she still needs to have her parents around so she wouldn't get hurt she finally knows what her Mom and Dad's name is, her Mom is Veronica Anderson and her Dad is Lucas Anderson. Her mom looks very young but she's 34 with a very pretty face and worked as a teacher, and her dad has some finely toned muscle with a handsome face to top it all off he is also a detective.

5 years later Blair is now finally 7-years-old she then heard the news about The Playboy, philanthropist, and genius Tony Stark, and being kidnapped by a terrorist. Blair then knew where she is but she then gets scared of what universe she went into, it was the Marvel Universe.

- "How would I survive from Thanos? I know the snap is a 50-50 but I also don't want to lose my family, Do I need to be a hero to save them? how could I do that I already became a hero once and it ended poorly for me I don't want to die again."


[Host activated Marksman system]

[Loading... 10%... 20%...40%... 70%... 100%...]

[Congratulations Host has now have the marksman system]

- "OMG!" Blair thought and almost said it out loud while her parents stare at her worriedly.

- "What is it, Blair?" Veronica asked

-"It's nothing, mom please continue eating"

[Does the host want to see its status menu?]


- "Yes"

[Name : Blair Anne Anderson]

[Level : 1]

[Age : 7]

STR : 8

AGI : 10

DEX : 22

END : 7

INT : 13

LUK : 8

MGI : 3


(Lvl 1)

-Makes you more proficient and learn faster using any gun and lower recoil.

-Gives you a better aim


-Age slower

-Stabbing resistance +5

- "Woah~! It's really like a floating game screen, at least novels got that right and why is my dexterity so huge even though my strength isn't half of it. so if it's a marksman system doesn't that make me weak? like Hawkeye but my skills are based on guns so like DEADSH*T from dc?"

[Marksman system is only phased 1]

- "What are phases?"

[Phases are stages of the system]

- "So if I grow stronger it will also get stronger with me?"


- "Hello? System? how do I make the system stronger?"


- " This basta*rd"

Blair now has a goal to survive Thanos grow stronger and be the strongest so she would not die or her family, 8 years later Blair finally is 15 years old she asked her father to teach her how to use a gun and exercises. She is now satisfied with her growth she got stronger and more agile she also went to dojos to practice martial arts so she wouldn't just rely on her weapons. but what is Blair worried about is her level she's still level 1 she doesn't know how to raise it."

[Name : Blair Anne Anderson]

[Level : 1 (0/10)

[Age : 15]

STR : 19

AGI : 27

DEX : 39

END : 21

INT : 28

LUK : 10

MGI : 5


(Lvl 5)

-Makes you more proficient and learn faster using any gun and lower recoil.

-Gives you a better aim

-Accuracy +20


-Age slower

-Stabbing resistance +5


Exp : 2000

Skill : Hawk's eye

- Accuracy +30

- +5% DEX, +8 AGI

- "Finally a task and the rewards are okay for making me wait 5 years."

Blair sighed with disappointment but she still asked her mom to buy her a bow so she can practice with it luckily her mom agrees to it because she also saw Hawkeye at the battle of New York so she asked Blair

- "Why do you want a bow, Blair? you already got marksmanship training from your father do you want to be a hero like Hawkeye? Your father already said that you have a great aim greater than his."

- "Yes, I want to protect you both like a hero you already know how dangerous it is I just don't want to lose you both"

Her mom sighed because she doesn't know how to respond to that but she also didn't want her carrying that kind of burden.

- "Blair we will protect you and The Avengers are superheroes Blair you can leave it to them not you but okay I will buy you a bow but promise me you won't do anything dangerous."

- "Yes mom"

- "Now let's go buy you a bow, your pick."

They then buy a bow and tomorrow they will find Blair an instructor to teach Blair archery. 6 months pass and Blair is already the best archer just looking at her medals and trophies from the tournaments she went through and even got the eyes of some people including Nick Fury.