Chapter 2

I found myself outside the mansion, standing in contemplation. The dilemma of causing a commotion by staying out for too long versus the trouble awaiting me if I returned immediately clouded my thoughts. Deciding to wait for my brother to diffuse the situation, I ventured down the road, fueled by curiosity about the world beyond the mansion.

The path led me to a bustling marketplace, a vibrant and enchanting scene. Various stalls offered delectable snacks, while animals showcased tricks, creating an atmosphere of wonder. As I immersed myself in this new world, my gaze caught sight of a nearby tavern. With some money in my pocket, I entertained the idea of entering this mysterious establishment, unaware that the afternoon had slipped away. Would everything be settled by now? I hesitated to return.

The tavern proved to be a realm of its own, featuring people engaged in lively activities—fighting, cheering, gambling, eating, and drinking. Dancers swayed to the rhythm of songs. Amidst the revelry, two magicians discussed the forbidden Labyrinth of Magic. Its perilous reputation intrigued me. Should I dare to venture inside? The notion of facing its challenges exhilarated me.

The Labyrinth lay nestled in a secluded section of the forest, shrouded in mystery and danger. Magicians from various corners of the world flocked to its gates, drawn by the allure of a formidable challenge. However, the tales of those who successfully navigated its treacherous depths were scarce, and no soul had ever reached the pinnacle of its highest floor. The looming fear of death deterred many from daring to enter.

For me, the prospect of triumph over the Labyrinth held a promise—freedom from the oppressive environment of my uncle's home. The age restriction, prohibiting entry for the underage, was a rule easily skirted, as no vigilant guardian enforced it. Navigating the forest and delving deeper into its heart to discover the Labyrinth became a relatively straightforward endeavour, aided by informative signboards strategically placed along the way. This path, laden with both excitement and peril, beckoned me with the possibility of liberation and adventure.

Upon entering the market, I seamlessly altered my appearance—my hair turned to a rich shade of brown, and my eyes adopted a vibrant green hue. It was a fundamental magical transformation that I could effortlessly maintain for as long as I desired. The subtle change ensured that no one in the bustling market batted an eye at my presence; to them, I appeared as just another ordinary girl.

Adorned in mourning clothes, adhering to the age-old tradition of Diamanto, I wore a black robe-like dress and a somber black cardinal cloak. This attire signified my mourning for my parents, a custom observed for a year. During this period, those in mourning were prohibited from leaving their homes or participating in any festive activities.

Despite the solemnity of my appearance, the people in the market exuded friendliness and kindness. The tavern lady, observing my mourning attire, offered a free meal in a gesture of sympathy. However, I declined the offer, expressing my intent to pay, and mentioning that I would soon be shedding the mourning attire, as nearly a year had passed since the loss of my parents. The interaction highlighted the compassionate nature of the people in this unfamiliar yet welcoming place.

Lost in thought, I found myself near the entrance to the Labyrinth. A surge of adrenaline fueled my curiosity and desire for success. As I neared the entrance, a shocking sight awaited—a boy around my age, slumped against the entrance, his stomach pierced and bleeding. The gravity of the situation hit me; he seemed on the brink of death. Instinctively, I rushed to his side, uncovering his face to find it covered by a veil. With his eyes closing, I couldn't bear to witness another life slipping away.

Despite the proximity to my long-sought success, I couldn't stand idly by. Tying my scarf around his wound, I lamented my lack of healing magic.

If only I possessed the knowledge of healing magic. Uncle had emphasised that it must come from within, and I began to recite the spell slowly. Initially, I had memorised the entire spell under the assumption that spellcasting required rote learning. However, I soon realised that the key to successful magic lay in the emotions tied to it.

Emotions were the true orchestrators of magic; knowing a spell without understanding the accompanying emotions rendered it useless. Unfortunately, I struggled to grasp the emotions necessary for spellcasting, limiting my magical abilities to only a few.

Sighing in frustration, I wondered if the boy would succumb to his injuries. Every passing moment felt crucial, and my inability to help him left me feeling utterly helpless. I had learned healing magic with the intention of preventing anyone's demise, driven by a desire to spare families from the anguish of losing a loved one. Yet, in this critical moment, my lack of mastery over the required emotions threatened to render my magical knowledge futile.

As I knelt beside the injured boy, a flood of thoughts overwhelmed me. Does he have a family waiting for him? Did he, like me, sneak out on some clandestine adventure? Would he even desire to return home? The questions raced through my mind, amplifying the urgency to save him.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I contemplated his fate. I couldn't bear the thought of his family mourning him, oblivious to the peril he faced. I yearned for him to survive, to defy the looming spectre of death within the labyrinth's confines. My determination to rescue him intensified, driven by an empathetic desire to spare his loved ones the agony of loss.

In that poignant moment, memories of my father sacrificing himself to save me resurfaced. The pain of that traumatic experience weighed heavily on my heart, fueling my fervent wish for the boy's survival. The anguish of losing someone dear was an emotion I wouldn't wish upon anyone.

Tears streaming down my face, I felt an overwhelming connection to the boy's suffering. Imagining the solitude he might have felt, facing death alone and unseen by his family, stirred a profound empathy within me. As I gazed upon him, a familiar green light, reminiscent of Luka's healing magic, enveloped the wounded boy.

Determined to alleviate his pain, I began reciting the healing spell. A surge of energy flowed through me, channelled by the heartfelt desire to heal. Miraculously, the boy's injuries began to mend, and the agonising pain I sensed earlier gradually dissipated. In that moment, I felt a profound sense of accomplishment, having successfully harnessed the magic to save a life.

However, my joy was short-lived as a growling creature, resembling a porcupine, appeared before me. The challenges of the Labyrinth were far from over.

As I gazed upon the small, porcupine-like mystical creature, a mixture of trepidation and determination surged within me. Although lacking significant magical powers, I couldn't let fear dictate my actions. This person needs me until he wakes up and I have to save him until he is unconscious. On the lower levels, the monsters are small but as the levels increase, they become stronger. However, for me, the creature, though diminutive and considered one of the weakest in the labyrinth, still posed a threat.

It growled menacingly, its spiky quills bristling with an air of hostility. I took a deep breath, reminding myself that I had successfully healed the injured boy and could handle this seemingly feeble adversary. My eyes narrowed, and I adopted a defensive stance, ready to confront the creature.

The mystical porcupine lunged at me with surprising speed, its quills poised for an attack. Evading its initial strike, I sidestepped gracefully, relying on agility rather than magic. I couldn't afford to underestimate the creature's cunning, even if it was considered weak.

As the creature circled, I seized the opportunity to strike. Without relying on magical prowess, I opted for a swift and calculated approach. I aimed to disorient it, diverting its attention away from me. With a well-timed roll, I narrowly avoided a barrage of quills and positioned myself behind the creature.

Taking advantage of its brief disorientation, I lunged forward, attempting to restrain its movements. Grappling with the mystical porcupine, I wrestled to maintain control. Its quills prickled against my skin, a painful reminder of the stakes involved in this encounter.

Despite its diminutive size, the creature exhibited surprising strength. Each attempt to subdue it required a careful balance of agility and strategic thinking. I couldn't match its physical prowess, but my determination fueled a persistent effort to overcome the odds.

Gradually, I managed to weaken the creature's resistance. With a final, decisive move, I disarmed it of its ability to launch quills. It lay subdued, defeated but not destroyed. As I caught my breath, a sense of accomplishment washed over me. I had faced a mystical adversary without relying on overwhelming magical abilities.

Standing over the defeated porcupine-like creature, pride surged within me. This small success in both magic and combat marked a turning point, breaking free from self-doubt. The taste of victory fueled my determination to prove my place in the magical realm, ready to confront whatever challenges the labyrinth held.