Chapter 4

In the tavern, the next day, we talked about many things. I always start feeling light while talking to him.

Miss Sephora, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, suddenly approached us and looked from Noah to me, then back to Noah. "Why don't we have a little friendly match?" she suggested, her tone challenging.

Noah raised an eyebrow, his expression unreadable beneath the veil. "Friendly match, you say? What's the catch?"

Miss Sephora chuckled, crossing her arms. "No catch, just a chance to see if you're as good as you look."

Noah hesitated for a moment, glancing at me as if seeking my opinion. I simply shrugged, equally intrigued by the prospect of seeing them spar. I know he has great magical ability and that he is not just a 'normal boy', this duel could be a way to know the extent of his strength. With a nod, he agreed, "Fine, let's see what you've got."

The tavern's patrons, sensing the impending spectacle, quickly cleared a space for the impromptu duel. Miss Sephora, cracking her knuckles, stepped forward, her confidence radiating as she twirled a dagger between her fingers.

Noah, ever enigmatic in his veil and cloak, assumed a defensive stance. He looked a bit tense however. The atmosphere grew tense, and I couldn't help but wonder how this clash of skill and strength would unfold.

"Ready?" Miss Sephora called out, a gleam of excitement in her eyes.

Noah nodded, his veil masking any expression. "Ready."

The moment Miss Sephora lunged forward, the clash began. Their movements were a blur—swift and precise. Miss Sephora's agility met Noah's calculated defense, creating a dance of blades in the confined space of the tavern.

Everyone started to cheer. Many took bets. Miss Sephora, lunged forward, her movements fluid as she aimed a quick slash at Noah's side. To my surprise, Noah deftly sidestepped the attack, the hem of his cloak swirling in response. His evasion was smooth, a seamless dance that hinted at practiced skill.

Noah retaliated with a series of calculated strikes. His movements were deliberate, each swing of his concealed weapon designed to keep Miss Sephora at bay. The dagger, hidden beneath the cloak, became an extension of his mysterious persona.

Miss Sephora, undeterred, twirled her own dagger expertly, aiming for openings in Noah's defenses. It was a display of acrobatic finesse as she leaped and spun, attempting to find a gap in his seemingly impenetrable guard. The clash of metal against metal echoed in the tavern, creating a captivating rhythm.

Noah's veil, usually still and unmoving, betrayed no hint of the expression beneath. However it fell during the duel. It happened when Miss Sephora tried to attack him once by pushing the dagger straight ahead on one of his weak points, and he barely managed to defend himself by jumping in the air and moving the weight of his body forward creating a cartwheel like motion and landing exactly behind Miss Sephora. The incident momentarily left her speechless but she was back to fighting again. This time, however, he was not worried about the veil like yesterday. He was solely worried about fighting.

His eyes, focused and sharp, tracked Miss Sephora's every move. He parried with a calculated precision, turning aside each strike with economical motions.

The tension in the room escalated as the duel intensified. Miss Sephora's attacks grew more aggressive, her determination evident in the beads of sweat on her forehead. Noah, enigmatic and composed, matched her intensity with a disciplined defense and occasional counterattacks that kept her on her toes.

The dance of blades continued, a captivating spectacle of contrasting styles. Miss Sephora, with her dynamic and acrobatic approach, faced off against Noah's methodical and strategic defense. It was a battle of agility versus precision, each combatant showcasing their unique strengths.

As the duel reached its climax, Noah executed a surprising maneuver. In a swift motion, he disarmed her, leaving her momentarily vulnerable. The tavern erupted in cheers, the patrons appreciating the unexpected turn of events.

Miss Sephora, despite the defeat, wore a grin as she clapped Noah on the shoulder. "Well played," she admitted, acknowledging his skill. Noah smiled a bit back at her. The onlookers joined in applause, and the atmosphere buzzed with admiration for the mysterious figure who had proven himself in combat.

Noah was tired but glad that he made it. In the crowd, he searched for someone and then finally, his eyes fell upon me and he rushed to me and asked excitedly. I nodded in response and said, "Ofcourse". This made him more proud about his victory than all the praise from the others in the tavern.

The duel had revealed a layer of his abilities, leaving me with a lingering curiosity about the depths of his mysterious talents.

And so, we were back at the labyrinth this time sneaking off from the looks of the villagers. Noah told me about the Time Demon. If we lose a fight against it, we will be thrown into an uncertain timeline.

Whilst moving through the familiar corridors, I was a bit nervous because this would be the first time I would be putting to test whatever I had learnt from the teacher. However, I was also excited.

When we reached the floor, the time demon appeared. It emerged from the shadows, a spectral manifestation of temporal manipulation. Its form seemed to shift and waver, as if it were a creature caught between moments, ever-changing and elusive.

The entity bore an ethereal quality, its essence intertwined with the very fabric of time. Glowing wisps of energy surrounded its amorphous silhouette, casting an otherworldly glow in the dim labyrinth. Its existence defied the conventional understanding of physicality, appearing as a convergence of shimmering threads rather than a solid entity.

Its core, the epicenter of its temporal powers, pulsed with an ominous radiance. Within this pulsating core, glimpses of distorted realities and fractured timelines flickered like fleeting glimpses into alternate dimensions. The time demon seemed to draw its strength from the chaotic dance of temporal energies that encircled it.

The creature's features were ever-shifting, a kaleidoscope of faces and forms that blurred the boundaries between past, present, and future. Eyes, countless and ephemeral, peered from the depths of its formless visage, each reflecting the echoes of the labyrinth's convoluted timelines.

As it moved, the time demon left trails of temporal distortion in its wake, distorting the very fabric of reality. The air around it crackled with the residue of displaced moments, creating an unsettling aura that sent shivers down the spines of those who dared to face it.

Despite its lack of a fixed form, the time demon exuded an undeniable malevolence. It was a guardian of the labyrinth's temporal mysteries, a sentient force that sought to ensnare intruders within the intricate web of time. Its presence alone spoke of the challenges that lay ahead, promising a formidable adversary in the ongoing battle against the manipulation of time itself.

This is a test. A test to check my abilities. Let's see what this demon has got.