Chapter 11

"Look out! A bull!" the alarmed cry rang through the air. The unexpected turn of events added an unforeseen twist to my escapade.

Startled, I turned my attention toward the commotion, just in time to witness the chaotic scene unfolding. The narrow pathways of the bustling bazaar transformed into a makeshift arena as a wild bull charged through, its hooves creating a tumultuous rhythm against the cobbled ground. The atmosphere crackled with a charged energy, and the once-jovial crowd scattered in a frenzy.

Amidst the chaos, a figure emerged—a familiar one. The bull charged straight towards me. Knowing that I was its target, I used my magic to create arrows in the air to shoot at the bull in case it tried to harm me and in case Duke failed to protect me. These arrows would put the bull in a temporary sleep once hit. But, I didn't get a chance to use that power because at that moment, Duke jumped in front of me to create a protective shield. Simultaneously, the bull was pinned down by a girl draped in mourning attire when it was at some distance from me. Her long wavy silver hair drew patterns like stars in the night.

Once the bull was down, she turned around, her golden eyes gleaming like the sun as if blessed by the Sun and the Moon Gods themselves. She was a beauty.

"Are you okay?!" She asked. Wait, this voice seems familiar—

"Amy?!" I asked, surprised. But then immediately covered my mouth and realised I was with the Duke and now he knows my little secret.

"Noah?" Amy asked, as surprised as me. She then squinted her eyes and gasped, "Uncle?!" She became quiet. Duke didn't change his appearance, he just put on a cloak so he was easier to recognise. I would say… A very beautiful family reunion.

"May I know–" her uncle started, but soon shut up. Amy turned to see the bull ready for another round.

Amy, undeterred by the panicked crowd, stood resolute in the face of the bull. Her bravery painted a striking contrast against the backdrop of disarray. The market, once a place of indulgence, now became a theater of unexpected heroism.

As Amy skillfully maneuvered around the bull, a collective gasp rose from the onlookers. The narrow escape from the charging creature showcased her agility and fearlessness. The initial pandemonium now transformed into a symphony of amazement, with each daring move she made drawing cheers and applause.

In the midst of this impromptu spectacle, I found myself caught between the thrill of the unexpected and the lingering taste of the street vendor's culinary creation. The festival, ever unpredictable, had woven a tale of bravery and daring into the fabric of its celebration, and Amy had become its unsung heroine.

As the bullfight reached its climax, and the square echoed with the cheers of the crowd, I couldn't help but marvel at the magic of the festival. The initial intention to enjoy a simple culinary delight had evolved into a front-row seat to a spectacle of courage and resilience. With the aroma of street food still lingering in the air, I watched in awe as Amy, amidst the cheers of the crowd, emerged triumphant in the face of the unexpected—a true embodiment of the festival's spirit.

The bull, now subdued and led away by handlers, marked the end of the impromptu spectacle. The bazaar, though temporarily disrupted, resumed its lively rhythm as vendors and festival-goers alike recovered from the unexpected excitement.

With the bull safely removed from the square, Amy basked in the applause of the crowd, her face adorned with a mix of exhaustion and accomplishment. I couldn't help but be struck by the juxtaposition of her courage against the backdrop of the festival's vibrancy. The narrow escape from the charging bull had etched a moment of heroism into the collective memory of the festival, forever altering its narrative.

As the tumultuous energy of the bullfight settled, Amy, with a triumphant smile, acknowledged the cheers of the crowd. The festival, in all its unpredictable glory, had proven once again that it was a stage for the extraordinary. The narrow pathways of the bazaar, now cleared of the commotion, became the canvas for the next chapter in our festival adventure.

"Wonderful!" I praised her at the end. However, her happiness seems to be short lived as she seemed to have another problem to diffuse.

As the bullfight concluded, the square's jubilant cheers clashed with the palpable tension surrounding Amy and her uncle. When the dust settled, Amy made her way through the dispersing crowd, and I intercepted her, offering a comforting smile. However, her uncle's stern expression lingered, and Amy's gaze briefly flickered over my figure, assessing the situation.

Sensing the need to diffuse the tension, I comanded to the Duke, "Let's head to your place, Sir Aureus. We can relax before heading back." Duke, understanding the situation we were in and also considering my position, nodded in agreement, and together we navigated through the people, leaving the square behind.

The journey to Amy's home was filled with an uneasy silence, the weight of unspoken concerns lingering in the air. Upon arriving, I could sense the tension had yet to dissipate. Amy's uncle, now in their home, eyed her with a mix of disappointment and anger. However, he decided to cater to me instead and sent Amy to her room. It was a delicate situation.

Although I wanted to advise him to not yell at her, I was in no position to do so. No one in her mansion had any idea about me being a Prince and I wanted to keep it that way. Amy's uncle, although attentive to my needs, was still visibly upset, seemed to consider my words.

After enjoying a cup of tea and chatting with the Duke on what we saw today, I decided to leave but as I was leaving, I saw something very concerning.

"Sneaking out is not good, Amaryllis." It was the Duchess scolding Amy. Amy seemed to be listening with utmost regret in her eyes. What did I even stumble upon?