Chapter 2

In the mystical realm of the Gods, Prince and I stand surrounded by towering palaces that seem to reach the very heavens. The air is thick with an otherworldly essence, and the celestial structures, bathed in radiant white, exude a divine grandeur that sends shivers down my spine. Our footsteps echo softly against the ground, and a sense of trepidation fills the air as we approach the godly inhabitants.

Curiosity and uncertainty dance in our eyes as we inquire about our whereabouts from these god-like beings. With an awe-inspiring revelation, we learn that we have unwittingly stepped into the residence of the Gods—a place far beyond mortal understanding. The gravity of our situation weighs on us, and the realization that we walk amongst deities sends a shiver through my being.

Deciding to explore this celestial haven further, Prince and I tread cautiously through divine corridors and beneath archways adorned with symbols of cosmic significance. Our journey takes an unexpected turn as we stumble upon the grand palace of Argent, the God associated with our enemy empire. It was a big surprise. The entrance is a breathtaking spectacle, guarded by towering pillars that seem to touch the heavens.

With bated breath, we peer inside the divine court, where gods convene and cosmic decisions unfold. It is in this sacred space that the tragic event transpired—where Prince's mother met her untimely end. The scene before us is both haunting and captivating, a testament to the intricate tapestry of divine affairs. As I stand on the precipice of this revelation, the weight of our quest intensifies, and the threads of fate weave a complex pattern that binds us to the cosmic intrigue.

In the divine presence of Argent's palace, I feel a surge of emotions—a mix of awe, fear, and determination. The divine energy pulsates around us, and the whispers of fate beckon us to uncover the secrets hidden within the realm of the Gods.

As we clandestinely ventured into the divine court of Argent, the God of our adversary, a symphony of celestial opulence greeted our senses. The entrance unfolded like an ethereal performance, where each step resonated with the harmonious echoes of godly splendor. Massive gates adorned with intricate patterns loomed before us, their divine craftsmanship telling tales of cosmic mastery.

As we stepped into the court, the grandeur intensified—a celestial spectacle beyond mortal imagination. Pillars of radiant marble soared to celestial heights, supporting an expansive canopy that seemed to meld seamlessly with the heavens above. The air pulsed with divine energy, and the very atmosphere seemed to acknowledge our humble intrusion into the realm of gods.

The court itself was a masterpiece of divine architecture. In the center, a majestic throne, embellished with luminescent jewels, awaited the presence of Argent. A divine tapestry adorned the walls, depicting cosmic events and celestial beings in a mesmerizing dance of colors. The ground beneath us bore symbols of cosmic significance, intricately etched into the divine marble.

Our hearts pounded in our chests as we observed the divine court in awe. Every corner emanated an otherworldly radiance, and the atmosphere held a palpable tension—an acknowledgment that mortal beings stood in a realm not meant for their understanding. It was a grand entrance into the cosmic theater, where the fate of gods and mortals intersected, and the echoes of Salien's mother's tragic end resonated in the sacred air.

The court was filled with demi-gods. We managed to hide ourselves in the crowd. As the divine proclamation echoed through the celestial court, heralding the imminent arrival of Argent, the God of our enemy empire, an air of anticipation enveloped us. The atmosphere shimmered with otherworldly energy, signaling the presence of a being beyond mortal comprehension.

Then, like a spectral apparition materializing before us, Argent made his grand entrance. His countenance was an ethereal canvas, all white with eyes devoid of iris—an unsettling void that seemed to pierce the very fabric of reality. It was a gaze that held the weight of cosmic knowledge and the solemnity of divine judgment.

The peculiar manifestation extended beyond his face. Instead of conventional locks, serpentine entities adorned his regal head—a cascade of white snakes that slithered and intertwined, a living crown of serpentine majesty. Each snake seemed to writhe with arcane energy, as if they were vessels of divine wisdom whispering secrets to their godly sovereign.

Amidst this enigmatic visage, a golden crown rested upon Argent's head, a symbol of his divine authority. Its intricate design shimmered with an otherworldly glow, a testament to the god's supremacy over the cosmic realm.

In the presence of Argent's surreal appearance, we stood transfixed, caught between awe and trepidation. The divine theater unfolded, and the godly entity prepared to address the cosmic congregation gathered in his ethereal court.

"Dear denizens of the celestial realm, brace yourselves for a spectacle that shall unfold—the redemption match!" Argent's voice echoed, resonating through the divine court. "Now, let me unveil the valiant contenders who shall partake in this cosmic trial."

A hushed murmur swept through the divine assembly as Argent began the introductions. "Let's welcome Empress Armenia of the mortal realm, the Empress of Diamante. Alongside, Duke and Duchess Violin."

The revelation rippled through the audience, catching Prince off guard as he discovered the unexpected participation of his own mother.

"The stakes are set, my celestial kin, as only one of the contestants vie for a chance to return to the mortal coil. How many shall emerge triumphant? Ah, that remains a celestial mystery, shrouded in the cosmic dance of fate." The divine court held its breath, uncertainty weaving through the godly tapestry as the redemption match loomed.

We were surprised. The redemption match seemed to be a way for the ghosts of our parents to return back. So we do have a chance to see them again in the mortal world?

"Ah, behold! The divine court graced by unexpected guests," Argent declared.

My heart pounded as Argent's words echoed through the celestial realm, unveiling me as an unexpected guest in the divine court. The grip of his serpentine attendants tightened, dragging me and Prince into the open, exposing us to the watchful eyes of both gods and our astonished parents. A mixture of surprise and concern flickered across my parents' faces, mirroring the tumultuous emotions within me.

Then, as if the divine decree couldn't become more surreal, Argent proclaimed our involvement in the redemption match—a cosmic trial that beckoned us to face trials and uncertainties. The weight of punishment hung in the air, and I felt the weight of destiny pressing down upon me. The divine stage was set, and as I stood there, a mortal amid gods, the cosmic dance of fate awaited its performers.