Chapter 4

The divine energy pulsated around us, carrying the weight of an ultimatum from the god himself. Only four souls would be granted passage back to the mortal realm, and as the celestial pronouncement hung in the air, a solemn understanding settled among us. The Prince, standing beside me, broke the stillness with a declaration that would echo through the cosmic expanse.

"I will stay," he proclaimed, his voice resonating with a selfless determination that tugged at the very fabric of our shared journey. My heart sank at his words, the prospect of parting from him casting a shadow over the triumph we had just achieved. I turned to him, searching his eyes for a glimmer of hesitation, but found only unwavering resolve.

The god's gaze lingered upon us, the weight of his ultimatum settling in the air like a cosmic decree. A sorrowful understanding passed between the Prince and me as the reality of our celestial journey took an unexpected turn. We stood on the precipice of a heart-wrenching decision.

The Prince's mother, the Empress, approached him with regal grace, her eyes reflecting both the love of a mother and the wisdom of a cosmic ruler. Their conversation unfolded with a solemnity that mirrored the gravity of the situation. I, a mere mortal amidst celestial beings, observed this exchange with a mix of reverence and sorrow.

"Mother," the Prince began, his voice a poignant melody in the celestial ambiance, "you must go back. Your position in this cosmic realm holds more importance than mine. You have the power to shape reality itself, to recreate me anew. I cannot bear to see you sacrifice this opportunity for my sake."

The Empress, a symbol of maternal strength and celestial authority, met her son's gaze with a mixture of pride and sorrow. "My dear son," she replied, her voice carrying the weight of both regality and tenderness, "your existence is a testament to the enduring strength of our familial bonds. While I hold a position of cosmic significance, the love and connections we share extend beyond the boundaries of this celestial realm."

Tears welled in my eyes as I witnessed this intimate exchange, the selflessness of the Prince and the Empress painting a portrait of familial sacrifice. The god's ultimatum had become a crucible, testing the limits of love and duty.

The Prince persisted, "Mother, you can create me again. Your influence reaches far beyond the cosmic tapestry. I cannot let you forego this chance for me."

A sigh escaped the Empress as she touched her son's cheek, a gesture that transcended the celestial and spoke of a mother's deep understanding. "Your journey in the mortal realm has just begun. I will cherish the memories we've forged in this celestial realm, but your place is with the people you call your own. Embrace the responsibilities that await you, my son."

I felt a lump in my throat, witnessing the heart-wrenching exchange between a celestial mother and her devoted son. The Empress, eventually defiant, with a regal nod, agreed to go back, accepting the responsibility that cosmic destiny had thrust upon her. I couldn't bear the thought that I won't be able to see Salien again.

As the god's gaze turned toward us, acknowledging our presence as unexpected guests in this cosmic drama, the weight of his decision pressed upon our shoulders. The Prince's sacrifice echoed through the celestial expanse, leaving an indelible mark on the fabric of our shared fate.

In the end, the Empress agreed to go back, her acceptance a testament to the selflessness that defined their celestial lineage. The Prince, though torn by the parting, stood resolute, a silent acknowledgment of the sacrifices made for the greater good.

As the weight of the god's ultimatum still hung in the air, a palpable tension gripped the celestial realm. The Empress, having agreed to return to the mortal realm, prepared herself for the cosmic transition. However, just as the divine energies started to shift, the god, with an air of nonchalance, interjected into the unfolding drama.

"Oh, by the way," he said, his tone carrying a casual indifference, "the Prince doesn't need to stay. He didn't actually die. He just fell into a coma. His body is perfectly fine, so he can just go back."

A collective silence fell upon us, the realization of the god's whimsical revelation settling in like a cosmic punchline. It took a moment for the gravity of his words to register, and then, as understanding dawned, an exasperated incredulity rippled through the celestial gathering.

The Prince, initially frozen in the weight of his self-imposed sacrifice, blinked in astonishment. The Empress, who had accepted the mantle of responsibility, turned to her son with a mix of confusion and relief. I, standing amidst the celestial drama, felt a surge of frustration and disbelief.

"You mean he's been in a coma all this time?" the Empress asked, her celestial aura tinged with a hint of irritation.

The god shrugged nonchalantly. "Well, yes. But his body is perfectly fine. So, no harm done, right?"

In that moment, the celestial air seemed charged with a collective realization that they had been manipulated by the god's capricious whims. Anger and frustration welled up within the Empress, the Prince, my parents and me. The god's revelation, delivered with an air of indifference, had turned their celestial sacrifice into a cosmic jest.

In the recesses of our minds, curses were muttered against the god who played with the threads of fate as if they were mere playthings. The god, seemingly oblivious to the inner turmoil he had caused, observed the unfolding drama with an inscrutable expression.

My father, his composure momentarily disrupted, couldn't help but voice the collective sentiment. "You had us believe that he had sacrificed himself! Do you find amusement in playing with the lives of celestial beings?"

The god chuckled, a sound that resonated through the celestial expanse. "It was just a little cosmic humor. Keeps things interesting, doesn't it?"

As the realization of the god's jest settled upon us, a resigned acceptance replaced the initial shock. The Prince, now aware of the reality of his condition, turned to his mother with an apologetic smile. The Empress, though still irritated, couldn't help but acknowledge the absurdity of the situation.

Amidst the celestial drama and the god's capricious humor, we prepared to return to the mortal realm, the cosmic energies swirling around us once again. The god's nonchalant revelation lingered as a cosmic footnote, a testament to the unpredictable nature of celestial existence.

As we traversed the cosmic veil back to the mortal realm, the god's laughter echoed in the celestial expanse, leaving us with a lingering sense of cosmic irony. The celestial journey, marked by sacrifice, familial bonds, and unexpected twists, continued with a newfound understanding that even gods could be mischievous puppeteers in the grand tapestry of existence.