Chapter 6

#Chapter 6 – (Arina) Luna to Be

I wasn’t sure what to expect. This whole ordeal was weird for me. The ring that fit my finger so perfectly, displayed for everyone to see it on my hand, felt heavy.

I had no idea how to be a luna; I had no idea what Jonathan expected from me, but I feared I would never be able to live up to his expectations. Out of all the beautiful werewolves, how is it that I was the one chosen to be his mate?

Staring at him, I could feel the heat of my body rising and my heart growing heavy. He entwined his lean fingers through mine and held onto them firmly as we stood in his mother, Jess’s, kitchen.

She had a rustic quartz countertop with food scattered across it. I could tell she had gone hunting that morning in preparation for dinner that night. She wanted to celebrate our upcoming marriage as a family to be.