Chapter 10

#Chapter 10 – An Intruder

“I have an important assignment for you,” Marian said, approaching my desk. “One of my photographers isn’t feeling well. So, I need you to go to Onyxfang and take some photos of the ethnic werewolves. They have a workshop you can take the photos in.”

Onyxfang? I had never been to Onyxfang before. The only thing I knew about that pack was that Erick, a good friend of Jonathan’s, was the Alpha. Despite them being friends, Jonathan had always told me that Onyxfang wasn’t the place for a young wolf and said to never go there alone.

I couldn’t have heard her correctly. Why would she want me to go there?

“Is there an issue?” Marian asked; she didn’t wait around for me to answer. She spun on her heel and began walking back towards her office.

Then again if I successfully pull this assignment off Marian would trust me with other big assignments. I could finally prove myself to her and the others. It would show them that even though I’m young, I am very capable.