Chapter 33

#Chapter 33 (Arina) - Healing

Erick had mind-linked Jonathan and told him that there was a fight in the Ironclaw woodland forest. He mentioned being hurt and that he needed first aid.

The fight was between Erick and an outsider; someone who had no business being in Ironclaw. Apparently, this outsider was hunting on Ironclaw territory, another breach in the law. Most likely a wolf from Blackcrest.

Jonathan had just gotten back from Blackcrest this morning and from the way he made it sound, the conversation he had with Alpha Graham left him unsettled. I’ve never actually met Graham but just based on what Jonathan says about him, I don’t trust the guy.

He says he has no knowledge of his wolves hunting on marked territory, but I don’t believe that for a second and I know Jonathan doesn’t believe that either. Jonathan brought it to his attention, and he said he will be sure that his wolves stay out of marked territories.