Chapter 35

#Chapter 35 (Jess) – 1988 Flashback

At the young age of 16, Jess proved to be a curious young girl. It’s only been a few months since her first transformation and since her birthday, she’s been wanting to find out more about her family and ancestry.

Her mother has always been secretive about their lives. Jess grew up never knowing any of her mom’s family.

Initially, Jess was born in the small city of Riverside. When she turned 5 years old, her father left her mother for another wolf. It broke the family and sent her mother spiraling down into a depressive state. Jess, being so young, couldn’t comfort her mother in her time of need.

Since her father left, his entire family decided to cut Jess and her mother off. They disowned the two and acted as though neither of them existed. Jess’s mother packed them up and moved them. They lived on the road as lone wolves.