Chapter 41

#Chapter 41 (Ronnie) A Life Taken

The house was quiet when Ronnie returned home; she wasn’t sure if anyone was even there. She was thankful Melissa and Rock were no longer fighting as sometimes they fight into the night, and it escalates the more Rock drinks.

As she walked past the bedroom doorways, she could hear the light giggles of Emily in the guest bedroom along with the soft moans of Rock. It made Ronnie cringe hearing them so close to her bedroom. She knew Rock was going to sleep with Emily; she was a beautiful woman and Rock has never passed the opportunity to get with beautiful women.

As she reached her bedroom and sat on her bed, the words of Jess ran through her mind for the hundredth time that night. She knew that the others didn’t feel the same way, but she also knew that Jess had every right to be concerned. She didn’t know Ronnie that well and a week ago she was sure that Arina was probably saying the same things.