Chapter 51

#Chapter 51 (Arina) – The Painful Truth

“Aaaaaahhhhhh…” A sharp pain coursed through my body.

The bruising around the sides of my stomach was beginning to worsen; it went from a light purple to a dark purple and light blue. The bruise expanded from the side of my stomach to my lower torso.

I could feel the heat in my body rising as a fever spiked. I was lightheaded and the voices in the room were becoming distorted. I could feel beads of sweat falling on the sides of my face and landing on my chest, soaking into the blanket that covered me.

I felt a cold cloth draped gently around my face; the liquid washed over my features and soothed away the heat attached to the fever.

“Arina, just breathe,” Jonathan whispered from beside me.