Chapter 53

#Chapter 53 (Jonathan) - The Overseer Revealed

Everything Jess had just explained to Jonathan was not something he was ever expecting. He felt as though his mind was in a complete whirlpool and he couldn’t get it out. He sat on the couch with his face in his hands, trying to maintain himself. He felt a mixture of anger, hurt, betrayal. They were emotions that were mainly directed at his mother.

He wanted to understand her point of things and why she kept these secrets for so long, but he just couldn’t bring himself to do it. It was almost like everything he thought he knew in life, everything he was a wolf, was a complete lie.

Right down to his own father’s death.

Jess revealed to him how they come from the same bloodline as Benjamin Davis. She didn’t want to tell him, and it was something she was hoping to keep from him his entire life. But Sabrebite was in danger and Jonathan needed to understand how bad things were looking.