Chapter 59

#Chapter 59 (Ronnie) – The Explosion

There was a ringing in Ronnie’s ears; the explosion happened so suddenly she could hardly grasp the concept of what just happened. She just remembered Arina falling to the ground, and she screamed out Arina’s name in horror as blood splattered across her face.

The smoke was dark and thick, making it difficult see-through and breathe. Ronnie got a glimpse of Erick’s panicked expression as he searched through the cloud of smoke for her. She tried to call his name out, but more smoke made its way through her lungs, stopping her words and making her cough.

Thankfully, he heard her coughing and his eyes found hers. They widened as she began falling to the ground herself. Before her body reached the ground, his arms were already around her in a protective hold. She had no idea how he was so calm and able to navigate so easily through the smoke, but he manages to pull her off to an area that was less intoxicated.