Chapter 62

#Chapter 62 (Nikini) – Nikini’s Backstory

“Don’t let them see your weakness,” Genevieve Campbell said as she brushed out 7-year-old Nikini’s long dark silky strands of hair. “You stand tall, even when you feel small.”

Words from encouragement from mother dearest. Genevieve was gorgeous with the soft brunette curls that spun down in ringlets down her back and washed over her waistline. She was built like a perfect hourglass and only wore the best gowns that brought out her every curve. Her eyes were a soft brown with splashes of green that outlined the pupil. She had soft features and a kind smile for the public.

However, behind closed doors, she was as cruel as could be. She needed everything to be perfect, and if they weren’t perfect, her dark side would appear. Nikini knew better than to stand in her mother’s way when she got like that. She had scarring along her body to prove that.