Chapter 66

#Chapter 66 (Rock) – Betrayal

Melissa hadn’t slept in the same bed with Rock since Emily arrived. Rock didn’t mind it though because the thought of sleeping with Melissa was nearly repulsing to him now. He didn’t even particularly like sleeping with Emily either, but he knew it drove Melissa crazy because it was happening under their roof.

For some reason, driving her mad pleased him.

However, once Arina gives birth, Emily will be going on her way, and he won’t have anyone under their room to sleep with. This means he’ll have to have Piper over a lot more often.

Now Piper was someone he genuinely enjoyed sleeping with. She was young, beautiful, flexible, smart, and sexy. Plus, she can keep a secret without losing her head. He liked that about her; he liked that he could trust her and talk to her about anything and everything.