Chapter 72

#Chapter 72 (Jonathan) – Going to War

Jonathan needed to get Arina out of there. He wasn’t sure what was going on, but it was satisfying to see both Melissa and Rock getting taken into custody by Boris. However, there was still a part of him that didn’t trust Nikini and Boris. He wasn’t sure what the others were thinking, but something didn’t sit right with him.

Arina had mentioned that her mother, during a coma dream, warned her against Silverside. Warning her against Nikini and Boris, so it wouldn’t make sense for them to all of a sudden be on our side.

Glancing over at Arina, she was looking apprehensive.

If Nikini and Boris were up to something, they were hiding it well because he couldn’t see into it even with the Overseer cufflink.

Ronnie was sobbing and Arina was trying to comfort her.

“Do you believe what she says?” He asked Jess who was still staring off in the distance of where Boris and Nikini went.

She frowned and glanced up at him.

“Nikini?” She asked.