(Jonathan) Reminiscence

Jonathan couldn't sleep.

He lay awake, watching over Arina; her small body wrapped in a thick layer of blankets.

It's been 5 years since they had seen each other, and she was even more beautiful as she aged. She's always been like a little sister to him; protecting her was the only thing he's ever wanted to do. Knowing that he wasn't there for her during the hardest points in her life, drove a knife deep into his chest.

He dimmed the lights to his room and sat across the way in a chair nearby the wood-paneled window. The faint light of the waxing gibbous moon reflected through the glass, dancing on his tanned features. Soon, it would be a full moon where they would be at their full strength.

He remembered his first full moon when he had just turned 16. His first transformation was the most painful experience. He wasn't understanding why his mother, Jess, and father, Regan, were so happy when he was in such pain.