(Arina) – Birthday Party

There was definitely an outsider lurking around our house, we just couldn’t tell who it was. It was a scent that was unfamiliar and by the time we returned home, they were gone. Jonathan patrolled the surrounding area just to make sure they were actually gone.

My first thought was Greggory, considering he’s been acting so weird lately. But it wasn’t his scent; unless he sent someone to spy on us as Rock had.

Thankfully, Emee was sound asleep in her crib; untouched and unharmed. Part of me wanted to wake her up and keep her close to me but Jonathan insisted that I let her sleep and that no one was going to come around with them nearby. They would be stupid to do so, and he was right.

I, personally, would tear anyone’s throat out who dared go near my daughter in an attempt to kidnap or cause her harm. It will not be tolerated as long as I was breathing. I made that point very clear to Jonathan who agreed with me.

Once we settled in at home, Jess left.