(Arina) – Marked

I stood in Erick’s living room, the former living room of Rock, staring at Ronnie’s wrist. She wore a golden chain around her wrist with a deep blue pendant, outlined in black. The same pendant both Nikini and my mother wore.

She was marked.

Ronnie had just finished explaining to Jonathan and me that she went to Silverside to see her mother because Melissa requested to speak with her one last time. I couldn’t believe both Ronnie and Erick would go behind our backs and do that without informing us. They knew how Melissa and Rock were and they knew we needed to be wary of Silverside.

What were they thinking?

“Ronnie, that was incredibly dangerous,” I told her as I grabbed her wrist to take a better look at the pendant.

It was exactly the same as the one in the book Jade showed us. Ronnie was marked by Willa, Naomi’s less than a nice sister.

“She’s, my mother; I have every right to see her if I want,” Ronnie said, pulling her arm away from me so she could cross her chest.