(Arina) – Amnesia

As we were heading back to Sabrebite, Spencer wolf-linked us to let us know that Jessica had woken up. But he said something was wrong and that we needed to get back right away. I couldn’t imagine would possibly be wrong; I mean, she actually woke up. That was huge. Dr. Beverly was apprehensive about her not waking up, which made us worried that she wasn’t going to wake up as well. I was excited to see her and find out everything that happened.

Jonathan kept telling me that I can’t hassle her with questions. I needed to let her rest and come to terms with what happened to begin with.

“You weren’t there, Arina,” he said as we approached Dr. Beverly’s office. “It was really bad. She was beaten to a point where she was almost unrecognizable until we got the blood cleaned off her face and some of the swellings went down.”

“I get that, but don’t you want to know her side of the story. Like what set him off, to begin with?” I asked, staring up at him.