Chapter 96

#Chapter 96 (Arina) – Deceived

The red moon was fast approaching; I wasn’t sure we were half as prepared as we wanted to be. Ronnie was still safe in the bunker; Erick would bounce in and out to make sure she was safe, but he hired a few different wolves, including the new chief of the police department, to keep a watch on the bunker and Ronnie to make sure nothing suspicious was happening around her.

Jessica arrived shortly after Jess did after Ronnie and Erick left. She was still clueless as to what was happening and who everybody was, but she wasn’t as freaked out as she was when she first woke up. We set her up in the guest bedroom where Spencer was staying. He was sweet by taking care of her and making sure she was comfortable.

I felt better knowing they were close by and safe from Greggory. None of us knew where Greggory or Willa was; they were impossible to find even with Jonathan’s Overseer powers.