Chapter 101

#Chapter 101 (Ronnie) – New Beginnings

Jonathan seemed weird when they returned from Silverside. Well actually, he seemed weird after he returned from his night in the town with Boris. But she wasn’t sure if anyone else noticed, so she didn’t bring it up.

Things were finally starting to be good again and she didn’t want to ruin that for anybody. In a couple of weeks, she was going to be celebrating her 17th birthday party. She was excited to be that much closer to adulthood where she can finally marry Erick and have him as her mate. She wanted more than anything to spend the rest of her life with her mate.

Erick kept saying he had a surprise for her on her birthday; she already knew they were going to have a huge party in Ironclaw, but she didn’t’ know what the rest of the surprise was going to be. She had to admit that she was curious and excited all at the same time. She was happy to get together with her friends and family to finally have some fun and have no worries.