New Life, Old Habits (Fixed)

In the myth of Pandora, they say that women were creatures born to bring misfortune into 'man'kind.

She was made with the blessing of the gods, only to be tricked by them to inflict harm on humanity.

At least, that's how historians would describe it.

But to the residents of that time period, it wasn't a stretch to say they viewed women with contempt.

The only 'women' among the Greek Pantheon being cruel to victims of those hurt by the Gods.

Medusa and every woman Zeus every laid eyes on and got his wife's attention being clear examples.

Anyone who knew anything about mythology would agree that the past was a melting pot of opinions.

Like that time a play about the Athenian legal system devolved into Apollo, a Greek God with knowledge and protection under his domain, gave a speech about how women have no rights over their children. That they only served as incubators.

So yeah… Point being that cultural myths were VERY important. It shaped how society was built.

So what did that have to do with the Pandorica Nation? Surely, there was nothing special.

The allusion to Pandora was clear to see.

Well, that's where things turned strange…

Adam, after having adapted to his new life, read through a book detailing the legends of this place.

The result astounded him.

'They think they are the bad guys?' Adam sighed with this thought. Rather than trying to say that darkness was the new light, all citizens had a near META understanding of their place in the universe.

They recognised that they were sinners. Their ancestors having become traitors to humanity.

However, there was always a silver lining.

And the thing stopping those of Pandorica from being swallowed by despair was a ray of hope.

Legends said that one day, a citizen of the great Human Empire shall one day lead them to paradise.

That they would one day be forgiven for their sins and be able to return to 'the light' with dignity.

How and when was unclear…

That said, the way 'Otherworlders' were treated here seemed different from what he'd expected.

"Are you done reading?" The person, who leant him the first edition copy of these myths, called out.

A was a man with mysterious silver highlights. The distinct colour of it being too natural to be artificial.

"This doesn't say much… It's a bunch of theories and 'maybes' from scholars." Adam quipped.

He wasn't sure why there was no fairy tales…

"Hey, aren't you being rude for a dud?!" The other person didn't like the way this landlord spoke.

The ego-fuelled hunk of charisma didn't back down.

Wearing an expensive black suit and high class accessories, you'd think this man was from Earth.

The only thing 'off' about it was the air of dignity that surrounded. A feature uncommon to see.

"Don't call me that." Adam frowned at him.

"Sense Mana, then talk." There wasn't even the slightest bit of malice in his tone despite his words.

His body radiated certain 'energy waves' only perceivable by those crossing into this world.

A mass of 'Magical Energy' of the Dark Attribute.

"Doesn't sensing your power count?" Adam wasn't going down without a few quips here and there,

"I've been telling you for months now: If you don't want to be called a 'Dud', create a Qi Centre."

"You say it like that's a simple task. Argent, I'm not like you." The landowner had enough of this.

An expression of pity arose on the youthful prince's symmetrical face, he arose with a look of whimsy.

Not even a businessman like the unsavoury capitalist could see what's going on in his head.

The figure paused when he returned the book, but still went on to look around with wonder in his eyes.

"You're the first I've seen." He slowly spoke this.

"First Otherworlder?"

"No, I've seen many arrogant Ascenders who were humbled upon seeing true 'talent'. A lot of them either gave up their aspiration… or went insane from envy. Some dogs had to be put down." The prince's words felt both threatening and merciful.

For a typical landlord, knowing there was someone physically talented wasn't much a bother to them.

However, things changed if they were 'Martial Artists'. After all, they would've worked really hard.

He wasn't sure how strong they were, but there was no doubt in his heart they were powerful.

That's why what Argent meant by saying he was familiar with them was… unsettling to think about.

How strong was this man?

"Do you see me as a dog as well?" Adam shrugged. Whether true or not, the Pandorica Nation wasn't governed by the jungle laws.

That's why Adam could ask this so confidently. It didn't matter if he was outclassed in every way.

"A dog with a kennel is still a dog in the end. You're much different from the Ascenders I've met, but that doesn't you're exempt from supervision. Even more so after learning of your 'Territory Lisence'."

"You sound bitter about it."

"Me? Bitter…? Nonsense! It's just annoying that we don't know how to treat this territory you claimed."

"That's it? I'm flattered the 'Warrior Prince' has so much interest in me." The capitalist clapped in joy.

Hearing his Class being brought up made the Prince turn to look at him. Eyes filled with disgust.

Still, he carried himself appropriately.

"Don't push your limit. You're only alive right now because you're useful. I'm expecting you to pay tax like a respectable citizen of this nation like everyone else. You're no exception to this." The Prince didn't get provoked by such a small taunt.

"Is that all you have to say? Big talk for someone who took so many ideas from these 'Ascenders'."

"…" A heavy atmosphere drowned them in total silence. The prince's lips twitched, but he held it in.

There was too much truth in that statement.

His eyes turned to look outside the window to see the world for what it was. A marvel of brilliance.

Minds from both worlds came together to share their expertise in engineering and architecture.

That's how the 'Royal Palace' became a skyscraper situated in the middle of a city of mixed residences.

Land was more expertly used and many issues concerning agriculture was solved with efficiency.

Only… problems also crept up.

"I'm not going to thank your kind for introducing us to the 'Psynet'. We could've done without 'phones'." The hunk seemingly eased up, but the lack of any warmth in his tone said the opposite.

"Alright, let's not talk about this anymore." Adam didn't feel any joy in mincing words with him.

"What?!" The Prince was astounded.

"Us bickering won't change anything. We have to live in the reality our forefathers had created." With an air of maturity, Adam sat back down and poured a drink for 'His Highness'. Being the better man.

So how could Argent say no?

He could only clench his fist and pretend their previous conversation didn't happen whatsoever.

Things quickly went back to square one, but that didn't change that they had made some progress.

Only after some time, the Prince finally asked:

"Are you REALLY planning to live quietly?"

"I'm sure I've made that clear enough already." It wasn't his fault no one found that believable.

Sure, he crossed over to this strange world…

…but so what of it?

There was no Demon Lord asking to be defeated nor was their any corrupt bureaucrats harming him.

This world was at peace…

In the dark corners where no one could see, there may be some sins hidden from the public eye.

However, that was the same as on Earth.

If he never wanted to go out of his way for people dying out of sight before, why would he now?

There was no practical reason for him to do so.

"…But that-"

"I'd that's all you have to say, just leave." Adam had enough of this. It didn't matter if he was a prince.

This was HIS territory.

"I'll pay tax like a good citizen and won't do anything harmful. You can trust me on that."

"Is that a promise?" The Prince narrowed his eyes.

"I don't care if I can't beat you. Gaia awarded me with this land herself. Even the Crowned King can't intrude here." Adam spoke with a dominant air that was fuelled by his unnatural possessiveness.

Argent's attitude started to change.

"You dare act arrogant towards…? Towards ME?!"

"I don't care who you think you are."

"You should. I could chop this mansion to pieces!"

"But you won't do that. The same way you gave me these books when I asked for them. To you, doing me any harm would be 'unjust'. Don't bluff like you'd actually try to harm a law-abiding citizen."

"…" The blazing and upright demeanour Argent had been holding up was chopped down by his words.

Adam's confidence made him falter.

"Stop coming over here because you're bored."

"Awww~ Why not?" Like a flipped switch, Argent threw off his wolf clothing to become a hyena.

This guy needed a hobby…

"And stop acting like you're trying to pick a fight."

"You know that's not a fault of mine." The Prince acted like he was in an unfair situation.

Seeing Argent make such a hurt look made the capitalist sigh.

Adam held his forehead after a sharp pain…

It wasn't a lie. 'Classes' were unlike Jobs.

Residents of this world were unable to go against the human nature assigned to them from birth.

For the Warrior Prince, having battle junkie tendencies was a force beyond his control.

It could be reigned in with willpower, but it couldn't be changed. A wolf couldn't become a sheep.

"Then pick a fight with someone else. Leave." He pointed at the door, which made Argent gloomy.

The man's shoulder's dropped. He hunched over while taking heavy steps. Even slamming the door.

"Finally…!" A look of exasperation appeared on Adam's face. His livelihood was on a tightrope.

He wasn't willing to make an enemy out this world for no good reason. Everything changed, but…

…his life had stayed how it always was.

Adam walked downstairs to see if the Spell Circles he'd installed to keep the mansion clean worked.

Gaia had translated the money he'd earned from his past life into coins he could use in this nation.

However, his pockets weren't bottomless.

He needed to find a new source of income. After all, he was planning to live in this world forever.

And that wasn't a metaphor.

His eyes looked at a certain ability he'd asked for:

[Intrinsic Skill- Deity Rank Bloodwood Immortality (Legendary)]

Since he seriously feared death, the first thing he asked for was a skill to do something about it.

This gave him 'near perfect' immortality to work with. An unreachable skill for nearly everyone.

In Gaia's own words:

"I'm unable to give you an Imperial Rank immortality skill, but I can give a Deity Rank one."

Apparently, having the skill one rank lower meant that it was possible to kill him if he's 'annihilated'.

The skill wasn't as good as the absolute immortality that these 'Imperial Ranks' had, but it was far better than being mortal. Now, he would never have to worry about wasting his life again.

Why? It's because he had an infinite amount!

When she asked him to make a choice about the attribute type, he really put his all into deciding it.

Different attributes had different weaknesses, so he chose the one which was most cockroach-like.

Then asked if he could sprinkle in a second attribute in case he ever got chased into a forest.

Thus, he gained the 'Bloodwood Immortality'.

As for his second skill… he decided to put that one off until he really needed it. There was no rush.

He went into his mansion's kitchen and made himself something to eat with a new love of life.

Adam wanted to take better care of himself now that he owned land that would forever be his own.

Maybe someone will notice his lack of ageing later on, but that will be a story for when it's necessary.

He wasn't even that embarrassed about obtaining a useless Innate Gift anymore. All was great now.

His mouth watered as he put down a dish in front of him on a table. A knife and fork cut into steak.

The lovely fragrance enamoured him as he took a bite. Thus letting the softness melt into his mouth.

Now THIS was living!

However, he couldn't shake the feeling that nothing had changed for the better after arriving on Gaia.

Even though he no longer feared death, something felt off. Almost like he'd lost something precious.

Looking at the empty mansion, he suddenly realised what the feeling gnawing at him was.

'I f-feel… feel… lonely.' It was only when everyone he knew was gone that he realised their presence.

Adam missed his family and acquaintances.

He wanted to descend down and ask them how they were living. If his absence meant anything.

But he had no choice but to be here.

In this wonderful world of charm and beauty, which unfortunately didn't have those he'd recognise..

…everything felt claustrophobic with time.

The critical difference between now and before ascension was that he wouldn't be spirited away.

So… should he play some games again?

There was a new console in this world with foreign and interesting titles. It'd serve as a distraction.

And so… He buried himself in gaming once again.