
There was a rumour spreading around these days.

{The true hope for Pandorica has arrived!}

These blasphemous words were erased by the current reigning 'Crowned King' of the nation.

After all, it had previously been widely accepted that the current queen, and the real 'protagonist' inside Adam's 'The Villainess Against Fate' Otome Game was, in reality, the shining hope they sought.

Who could deny it?

Reigning Queen Lara Pandorica (once known as 'Goodwell') was known for her many talents.

With her Unique Class 'Otome Protagonist', she was able to gain the abilities of every profession.

Most importantly, despite being born from a couple with Dark Attribute Magic Pathways, Lara had somehow awakened the 'Light Attribute' instead. A great marvel that was like destiny given her a boon.

Who could deny her importance?

This was exactly why she was able to enrol into the only Academy in the country that taught magic.

Her status as a Commoner the only thing holding her back… A chain that kept her potential locked.

The thing that alienated her from peers.

In the past few years, she had gained the help of many to rise to her current level of social status.

But there was one person she'd never forget.

"Linda…" The only blonde in a kingdom of black-haired individuals muttered while reading an article.

It contained absurd statements about her friend.

Saying that she had attempted to rebel using her relations to several factions. A claim she put down.

Her retaliation was so strong that the Arcadia Family had no choice but to put their heads down.

They didn't want to suffer this woman's wrath…

'If only I acted earlier…' She thought with distress when she heard the lack of results for the search.

Linda Arcadia had vanished…

There wasn't a trace of her in the Dark Forest, or anywhere in at that. As if she'd never really existed.

The only traces of her being in whispers and lies.

That, and the memories they'd shared together. A long and arduous tale of taming an Evil Dragon.

Was it that lizard that helped her escape?

She hoped that was the case. So long as she was safe, their paths would cross each other eventually.

'No… Linda is stronger than most.' Lara completely believed her friend would return if she so desired.

And if she didn't, that meant nothing was wrong.

Perhaps that girl found a new home for herself.

"Darling, are you feeling well?" Two hands gently held onto her shoulder, and a voice rang out.

A silver-haired king stood tall behind her. It was a presence that immediately made her feel relieved.

"I'm fine." She put her hand on top of his. A voice of assurance replied to the elegant man's query.

Still, the ruler of Pandorica started appeasing her:

"You can rest assured. No one will insult her. I'm doing my best to find her under any circumstance."

"I didn't know you'd help so willingly."

"Did we not seem like friends to you…? Why give me that look? I've always treated her with respect."


"…Alright. I admit that I've been unable to stop myself from feeling animosity. It's hard to explain."

"Really?" She'd felt no such thing.

However, there WERE times Lara felt there was an unnatural amount of resentment targeted towards her bestie. It was almost like people were unable to accept Linda's existence. Like she was an alien.

Ironically, this was what lead this Otome Protagonist to protect the kingdom's Villainess.

"I remember how you even best me to protect her back then. How strange… How it came to this."

"Don't. That's all in the past, right?" Lara's face turned apple red when she heard his murmuring.

"Right… Anyway, relax. Linda is a tough woman."

"Am I not allowed to get worried?"

"Darling~" He whispered into her ear: "I'd like it better if you saved that concern for your husband."



"No. How would I dare contradict Royalty?"

"Ahem… Fine. Let's wait for my successor." King Ramos gestured his eyes towards her stomach.

She understood what he meant.

Even if they wanted to leave and go find her, it was imperative for another 'Crown Prince' to appear.

A special Class that appears every generation.

One that every 'Crowned King' had been before their coronation. She understood that much.

The only thing concerning her was the way her husband was looking at the child within her.

He almost seemed slightly… afraid.

"My good child won't be like you. Don't worry so much." She assured him by grabbing his hands.

How could she not know what he was thinking?

"Was it THAT obvious?" His face was slightly tinged red, but quickly regained its composure.

"Yeah, you're a special case."

"I'm not sure whether I should be offended by that." He thinly smiled at her unintentional insult.

"But you were though?" There didn't even seem to be even a speck of forethought put into her words.

Lara just said what came into her head.

She remembered how he was back then. A young teen who was trying to grasp his own 'identity'.

Back then, the Ramos had the same hair colour as his brothers. The only difference between him and them being his eye colour… Rather than a clear black like today, it was once a bloody crimson.

What did it have to do with his identity?

If her friend Linda was to describe it, then she'd probably say he was like a typical 'Male Lead'.

Ramos was a young man cursed with fits of bloodthirsty hysteria. One that bled into his heart.

She called it a 'Killer Disposition' and 'Dark Heart'.

One that was completely different from the way Lara attained power through her own 'Pure Heart'.

There was no way to cure the Crown Prince of back then. It was because this wasn't a true 'ailment'.

It was just a quirk that was becoming part of him.

"I admit it then: My case was special. Do you remember how she reacted when she saw me?"

"Are you proud of scaring her back then?"

"Of course! You wouldn't know this… but Linda was the first to be so openly hostile towards me."

"She's also the first to tell me you're not worth it."


"Oh, I'd already forgotten it. Linda told me that you were full of yourself. She wanted me to be safe."

"That's…" He couldn't really deny it. The him of back then just wanted someone to accept him.

Accept both his Dark Heart and twisted personality.

It was only thanks to Linda's advice and support that he'd overcame himself and understood love.

She gave him the courage to fight against the Killer Disposition he was born with before being tainted.

"Did she say anything special to you?" His wife looked up to him and asked without any suspicion.

She knew their romantic relationship was gone now. Linda and Ramos had broke off 'that' tie.

"As my former fiancé and first love, she DID tell me that she'd never forgive a psychopath who kills."

"A psychopath who kills? Isn't that the same?"

"Apparently not. Honestly, I hadn't expected her to see through me. She knew my disposition and tendency to think about killing servants, but also knew that I hadn't bloodied my hands at the time."

"Is that what attracted you to her?"

"Are we really going to talk about the feelings I had with my ex? Do you still not trust my love for you?"

"I do. That's why I can ask this so easily. If you don't want to tell me anything, you don't have to."

"…" Now this was a hard situation. Of course, Lara could feel that he didn't want up open up about it.

However, she still felt the need to ask.

There was always something fishy about the way they broke up. Why did it always make him so…


Not fear of being misunderstood. The way his hands locked around her shoulders was different.

Almost like his arms were a steel cage.

That glow in his eyes showed he understood what she meant. He realised she'd caught onto his tail.

Still, her touch seemed to be soothing him.

"You don't have to tell me right now. I can wait for you." These words caused him to let go of her.

He realised the sincerity and trust being placed upon him. To him, that feeling made him feel bad.

Like he was a devil who didn't deserve her mercy.

"I promise. I'll tell you everything in the future. Just believe in me. I'll never make you feel ashamed."

"I'm counting on you for that." She watched as he let go of her, then started walking to the door.

The atmosphere wasn't right…

"You're not cheating using that guy, right?" When she yelled this out, he almost tripped over himself.

"No." He didn't feel the need to elaborate further.

The dark atmosphere from before was instantly blown away, and he left with a complicated face.

"You're wife is funny." On the other side of the door, a man wearing a beast mask spoke out.

He rarely saw his friend have so much emotions.

"Stop… Let's get back to business." Ramos put on his coat and left with a big stride to a certain place.

While female clothing was still elaborate and hard to wear like the queen's, men chose full efficiency.

Since even the nation's king would have to do a lot of walking around, comfort was a priority for them.

Wearing a shirt and pant variant of a caped imperial garb, Ramos strolled alongside his companion.

The palace's hallways were quiet…

"Shane, don't poke around needlessly." The king spoke towards the samurai style swordsman.

The young man didn't seem to come from the west, and his slick yet spiky hair wasn't anything similar to eastern culture. Especially when he wore westernised black clothes with a tight jacket.

On his waist hanging a 'Mystic Tool' from Earth…

"Does it bother you?" The sword user showed no hint of respect despite being in a Royal's presence.

After all, he wasn't born in the Pandorica Nation.

"…Don't tell her anything."

"I know. I'm just not sure how your wife will react if you tell don't tell her something this important."

"That's for me to decide. You yourself can't say anything. Didn't your lover run away from you?"

"That was before I met you." Shane's real eyes couldn't be seen, but his lips curved in gratitude.

Both of them were once inflicted by the same kind of disorder. The difference being what they did.

Shane had killed people before and had almost become addicted to bloodshed, while Ramos did not. Their meeting was a coincidence that had ruined the original plot Linda had once knew of.

The one where the Crown Prince of Pandorica would contract the Evil Dragon for suppression.

Maybe he and his former fiancé wouldn't have broken up if he'd accepted his fate as a tyrant.

One who suppressed the nobles of Pandorica using the powers gained from the Evil Dragon.

Maybe then Linda wouldn't have been forced to forge a contract with the dragon to save herself.

"How are your people? Are they fitting in well after ascending?" Ramos asked the thoughtful 'Familiar'.

"Thanks to your brother making a deal with that Landlord, they were able to find a place to hide."

"For how long though?"

"That should be my question." Shane looked at his contractor intently, knowing this was temporary.

Prince Argent traded land development and resources for the sake protecting his people.

He wasn't sure how they all ended up coming to Pandorica Nation, but it was a good thing for them.

His oppressed people could finally escape the discrimination on Earth. Having a fresh start.

"Patience… How I introduce your people will be an important factor for how they'll live in this world."

"Thank you for caring about them so much."

"No problem. You've felt it too, right? The clear sense of 'familiarity' our contract has given us?"

"Knowing that those feelings are artificial, you'll still help me? You're not going to call me crazy?"

"No. I've always wanted a friend I could see eye to eye with. Anyway, I'm glad you chose to stay here."

"I chasing a cat only makes them more fearful. I'll have to wait until we cross paths with each other."

"I'm unsure how you're alright with 'waiting'."

"It's alright. I've done so much in the past that it was only right she'd cut our relationship short."

"She'd probably be proud of who you are now."

"She wouldn't." There was a sharpness in those words. They seemed to be filled with self-mockery.

"Why not? You've changed."

"I can't say the inside has changed if I'm still doing the same on the outside. Is such a war necessary?"

"Head up." He patted the swordsman on the back as they left the palace. Looking at some iron bars.

In a secret location, there were slight sounds of human beings calling out being heard under foot.

Exactly where the iron bars on the ground were.

King Ramos confidently continued:

"We have more criminals coming from the Lower Realms than outcasts. With them, I'm sure we could make a big dent in 'their' forces. Maybe even forcing that mysterious woman in Arcadia to move."

"Are you planning on sending one out? Which?"

"There's a man in there that really likes strong people. I'll give him a chance. What do you think?"

"All hail the Crowned King." Shane wasn't sure how strong a 'Forbidden Clan' member from another realm would be. All he knew was that these captured prisoners were too crazy to be let go of.

Cannibals, bloodthirsty sociopaths, psychopaths, and people who didn't deserve to live like others.

He hoped the heavy changes Queen Lara was implementing would show their results quickly.

That way, he could go search for his love lost…