The Once Abandoned Disciple

There was a time in an unknown Lower Realm that a single youth felt like he was on top of the world.

It was actually his birthday, after all.

"Shane, time to blow out the candles." His mother gave a loving smile. A sugary cake was presented.

The black-haired little boy squinted his azure eyes while blowing out the candles, a smile bloomed on his face after seeing his family's joy. His father and little sister joining in to congratulate him earnestly.

Small happy moments like this were what made a person feel whole. It's what kept people together.

There was only one problem nagging at him…

His mother reacted to an invisible presence within the shadows of their home, then started to walk.

Her eyes different from the way they were before.

Seeing how she was leaving without a word, his father coughed to quickly catch her attention:

"…It's our son's birthday today. Maybe-"

"I just got shadow messages by our fellow comrades. Many of our Lord's believers have fell."


"We're both needed now. Otherwise, our friends and neighbours will be wiped out by the Heroes."

"…" Her words made the man hold his silence.

"You have to come too. What's a religious group without their pope? Now, put on your mask."

The father looked at his two children and their black clothes embroidered with dragon markings.

His eyes holding many apologies to them.

A mask connected to his shoulder was put on his face, and then he revealed a certain majestic air.

Of course, the pope of the Dragon Cult, also known as the 'Shadow Overlord', would hold such esteem.

It wasn't like there was anyone else who could go against those dreadful 'Heroes' than he himself.

His wife, Dorothy, left first… but he followed a little late after Shane caught the man by the sleeve.

The eyes he gave begged the man to stay.

That his birthday party wasn't over yet…

"Sorry, I have to go." The masked Overlord placated his child. Keeping his talon gloves away.

The red faced child didn't let go. How could his parents leave like this? And for what reason?

"You… You don't have to!"


"Dad, isn't what we do wrong anyway? You know this is wrong? Fighting them… Killing people…"


"No, don't say that to me. Do you think I'm part of your cult?" The man quickly covered his mouth.

"…Don't say that in front of your mother. This is our religion. You can't escape from this, even if you w-"

"Daddy?" Madeleine, the young girl sitting between them, called out. She spoke in an innocent tone:

"Are the big baddies bullying us again?"

These words made the pupils of both father and son constrict. The scariest part was that…

…they couldn't bring themselves to correct her.

No, did that statement even need correcting?

The honourable Overlord of the Dragon Cult was obviously on the side of all that was righteous.

At the very least, his wife wouldn't judge their daughter when she finally went out into the world.

There wasn't a need for anything to change. They could still go about their lives on their own terms.

They did nothing wrong. He could swear on the World Dragon's name that his heart never strayed.

Still, why did her words prick at his conscience?

And why did the look made by his son hurt?

That untainted look of innocence on his daughter's face hurt him more than any blade ever could.

Much more than the blame his son always gave.

With a heavy heart, he held the skull mask and sighed with agony of someone who was dying.

A razor was cutting his emotions while making the decision to say something he probably shouldn't.

"Recently, we kidnapped a bright young researcher in bioengineering. At least, that's what she calls it."

"…" Shane's eyes started to widen slowly when he realised why his father went onto this tangent.

"It'd be a shame if she escaped. That woman is good enough to evade us without even trying."


"I never told you anything. So enjoy your birthday."

These were the last words he'd ever heard from his father. It was on that day he ran away from home.

The frail youth couldn't run fast enough. His breath was rugged from running just a short distance.

His sister being the only one fine with everything.

Not only was she a lot healthier than him, but she also found running from home a sort of adventure.

One that she could always return from.

It was until a certain point that he and his sister got separated. This being something he chose himself.

Shane had purposefully acted as a decoy.

He stumbled through life trying to find work despite his young age, and had a stroke of fortune.

Though that lucky opportunity didn't last long…

Despite all he'd done to keep up with others, his lack of talent in every areas… made it hard to live.

He was kicked out of his job as a servant easily.

It was only at the lowest moment of his life that he met one bright star. Someone with radiant eyes.

"You look down on your luck. Want help?" The younger and more optimistic Simon spoke this.

That question followed by an extended hand.

One that Shane immediately held onto. Even if it meant living a life many times harder than others.

He learnt a lot from the young man. Growing with him every step of the way, until he rivalled Heroes.

And this wasn't just in his original world.

Simon and his gang even had ways of traversing Lower Realms and helping people everywhere.

Their adventures not limited by time and space.

The frail young heir to the title of the Shadow Overlord grew into an expert swordsman over time.

He'd even found a purpose he was willing to forgo everything for. He was willing to stay on a particular Lower Realm to protect a race of humans heavily discriminated as 'Beastkin'. It was his selfish wish.

One that he had upheld for two years.

It was when he reached his fifteenth birthday that the slick samurai saw that savour of his once again.

…Along with other students he'd never heard of.

The happiness of their reunion short-lived when he realised Simon was no longer young anymore.

His hair was grey, eyes were always murky, and he wouldn't let go of his bottle of booze whatsoever.

The total opposite of the man he used to be.

On top of that, he'd even forgotten Shane existed!

He wasn't sure how long it took for his bright saviour to turn into a useless old drunkard, but it hurt him deeply either way. The fact that nothing could be done to help him was his biggest regret.

A part of him wished he'd stayed with Simon.

He wanted to know what turned someone who was so filled with optimism… turned into such a mess.

Those emotions were mixed by the fact that Shane felt abandoned in the years Simon never returned.

After all, Simon was practically Doctor Who at that point. He could go one second and arrive the next.

The years spent adventuring in-between would be something his master could tell him in stories.

But that kind of future never came to be.

This was a story the slick samurai told his closest friend when asked about why he looked so weird.

Why he couldn't trust his master's words easily…

In the royal palace of the nation of Pandorica, that one friend Shane had looked at him speechlessly.

Then finally made a comment after a long silence:

"…Woah. I know I'm the one who asked, but was it that important to go into excruciating detail?"

"Heartless bastard…" He'd spilled out his heart, yet this was how Ramos was going to react to it?

He'd never told this story to anyone else. This was his first time opening up about his mixed feelings.

After Shane found his master again when he ascended to this world, he wasn't happy one bit.

The feelings of betrayal still lingered…

On top of that, Simon forgot who he was a second time. Almost as if centuries passed unknowingly.

From what he knew, that was likely the case.

Though it still made him feel bitter inside…

And not only that, that old drunkard suddenly came along with another disciple not too long after.

Was it fate for them not to get along…?

Seeing the furious on Shane's face, King Ramos decided that it was better to just acknowledge it:

"Alright, alright… I get why you feel a mixed bag of emotions when it comes that 'Master' of yours."

"Forget me. Have you thought about whether you're actually sacrificing one of your sisters?"

A deadly silence enveloped the familiar and nation's ruler. The matter brought up was vital.

Of course, King Ramos was deliberating on whether he should marry off a sister of his so willingly. He knew that any of his younger siblings wouldn't hesitate to do what he asked of them.

But that's exactly what hurt his conscience…

Although everything he did was for the sake of Pandorica seeing a future, he couldn't hurt them.

The heart of an older brother was stronger than the mentality of a ruler. That's what made him hesitant.

On the other hand, Shane was thinking of something else while looking down on his blade.

His hand stroked the side of the chokutō.

"You sure this is right? I'm not saying your lying or anything, but are 'Divinities' so easy to find?"

Towards this predictable response, the sword user stopped looking at his blade and shook his head.

His mask hiding the mixed feelings in his heart.

"This is the first time I've come across another person with 'Divinity', at least… My master is recommending him, so his potential is probably high." Shane said without revealing his emotions.

However, Ramos immediately picked up that his feelings were complicated regarding this 'Master'.

"Is there something wrong?"


"We're practically brothers as close as blood relatives at this point. You can complain freely."

"…" The slick swordsman put away his blade while unconsciously touching a tiny scar under his hair.

Right on top of one bull horn on his left side.

His hand then flowed down his ear while thinking of the past. Clenching his fist tight, he took that offer:

"That guy… isn't trustworthy." These words made the good king start to stand from where he sat.

"Does that mean his new student is dangerous?"

"Not that… I wouldn't have recommended him if he was suspicious. It's not like I'd harm what you love."

"Then what?" Ramos didn't let him off.

The slick swordsman chose his words wisely:

"Not to shout myself in the foot, but the people my master usually takes interest in are usually… weird."

"That IS shooting yourself in the foot- Okay, forget I said anything." Ramos sweated the reaction he got.

Shane didn't hesitate to unsheathe his sword threateningly. It made the nation's ruler shut up.

But he quickly got himself together and withdrew his intimidating demeanour. He spoke in serenity:

"I'm concerned about that guy's Gift as well."

"Adam's Gift? Didn't you say it was useless?"

"Not useless. Just yet to be properly handled. A bit of training, and we should be able to see its limits."

"And what if we do? Is his strength a problem?"

"The problem isn't that… I'll tell you more about it when I've confirmed some things with him myself."

"That's fine with me. Anyway… I remember something from that story you told me." Shane tilted his head when Ramos dived into a few documents. This was straight after telling him this.

Before long, he pulled out a photo and said:

"This was taken a while ago at the Arcadia Household. Sounds like someone you know."

Shane immediately recognised the face of the person in the photo. It made him look pensive.

"…" He didn't dare ask if he could go check.

In the current political climate, it wasn't really good staying away from his precious contractor's side.

If anything was to happen to him, then…

"Don't worry. No one can do anything to me when my family is here. I'll tell my brothers to stay close."


"Just go. You're wasting time, aren't you?" These words were responded by a bow, then… he vanished from the spot he was standing. His goal to immediately find out if 'that woman' was there.

He didn't know that his one action would cause a stir that would nearly put the nation into chaos.

The moonlit night was about to be disturbed…