
A nameless Commoner would be buried without any mourning, but Nobles are given a funeral.

It didn't have to do with a money problem.

Taxes made it hard to make ends meet in a world where everyone was qualified to get into a field.

Since everyone had qualifications, no one was particularly special. It made them disposable.

Even if working for a Dark Noble would threaten their lives, it was much better than living in poverty.

The slums of the Adventurer District only existed because some couldn't get a non-combative job.

Those who didn't have a battle-related Class were always on the worst foot compared to their peers.

But this was also why Nobility were so respected.

When news of Duke Bryan having died spread in newspapers certified and permitted by the Royal Family, those who were hoping to supplement their own bloodlines with bastard children wept for him.

That, and the fact that he was one of the least wicked Dukes who didn't torment his servants.

It took a few days for the proceedings to go forward. Interviews and other such nonsense.

Almost like the death of a celebrity.

And just like one such famed people, Bryan Arcadia was soon forgotten by the masses he'd ruled over.

The next new sensation was 'Clara Arcadia'.

The first person with the Light Attribute to inherit the title of a Duchess and own her own Dukedom.

She herself not paying attention to any rumours…

In fact, dealing with her family members was bothersome since they seemed to like the Duke.

The eldest son kept himself locked up after hearing the news, while his second son, Jake, was always mourning in secret. He put himself into working on the things he'd neglected to forget about his pain.

The third and youngest son, Gillian, was also sitting in his room… but he'd an inquiry for her personally:

"Big sis', do you know where auntie and my sister are? I haven't seen them." The young boy spoke.

His age exactly the same as Lucia's…

"Don't worry, I'll find them for you. For now… just forget they even exist." Clara's eyes flashed a pink glow that reflected in the child's own. He then dimly nodded before going about his business.

The love he had in his heart suppressed by the sealing of memories pertaining two people.

His sister, Lucia Arcadia, and the 'auntie' who worked with his father to create new medicines.

Bryan Arcadia's second wife…

'Finally quiet…' Clara cracked her neck, it was the second time she'd erased someone from his mind.

The first including his actual biological mother.

"Fucking NPCs…" She couldn't help cursing under her breath. They were all to annoying to deal with.

Especially to someone like her.

The nation's new hope was more concerned with how to use what she had to her advantage.

All without missing a single detail.

'…I forgot that girl existed.' She specifically told the servants not to tell her anything related to Lucia:

It was because that 'little sister' was too useless.

She wasn't that smart, strong, nor powerful. This was the reason her existence went unnoticed.

But now she was gone, Clara also came to realise the second wife of the Duke had gone missing.

'Wood Splicer…' Her hand rested on her chin while walking and talking to different house servants.

This was the name of the woman in her memory.

You could say that she, along with the newly appointed assistant, were like peas in a pod.

The three of them were maniacs about research.

She didn't know who helped the woman escape and erase her presence, but it was too clean…

Not even a single trace of her existence was left.

There was only one thing she knew that everyone else was unaware of, and that was one last person.

It looked like the medicine-obsessed maniac who called herself 'Heavenly Demon' had left too.

Meaning only one thing:

'They left to hide in the Adventurer District.' Was what Clara theorised in her head about this.

Regardless, it wasn't like she cared about where a few duds went. So long as they didn't bother her…

The nation's new hope dismissed her servants and went into the bedroom where Bryan used to sleep.

There, sitting on top of it, was a listless woman with soft eyes. The Duchess of the Household.

And also the first wife of the Duke…

The slightly plump woman didn't react to her presence whatsoever. Her heart broken to pieces.

And the one who made it like that was here.

His picture in a frame held in her hands.

She looked at the smiling face of the Duke. This man she had simply known on first name basis.

Because he never threw his weight around her.

Clara was tempted to erase her memory, but this woman was the vital target set to her by 'Father'.

Even if she couldn't get Linda Arcadia under her wing, someone like Georgiana was essential.

'If only I could extent my bond to her.' The nation's new hope thought about assimilating the woman.

However, things weren't so easy.

The Class of the Duchess was the type that had an absolute defence against magic, unlike Wizards.

Although she hadn't had the inheritance of Noble blood, her mutation was well-known amongst Sorcerers. It was called a 'Witch', a type of Rare Class that couldn't be genetically passed on.

Their powers much stronger than average…

"If you want to, I can share your pain." Rather than using force, Clara used this as an opportunity.

She preyed on the beautiful Witch. Her angelic eyelashes fluttering while hugging the woman.

The mother of two lifted her head to look at the new 'daughter' of hers that came out of nowhere.

She was one of the only two people who had known Clara was nothing more than a faker.

"You mean that drug?" Her face didn't shade a change while hitting that inquiry deep in her heart.

Georgiana knew this would hurt the false prophet.

"Don't call it that~" But she underestimated just how shamelessly this 'stepdaughter' could speak.

"The mental pollution doesn't really sound that convincing. I don't want to lose myself, bitch."

"Did you learn that potty mouth on the streets?"

"And so what if I did?"

"Nothing really… Just that I'd be able to understand if you had just became part of my extended family."

"Stop it. That's not why you're here. Just tell me what you really want." She broke out of her pain.

"Gigi, my mother most dearest, I'm concerned about the children lately." Clara oversold the act.

But there was no reason for her to lie.

Georgiana continued listening further…

Meanwhile, Adam had really made himself at home in the time taken for Lucia's matter to be known.

He sat next to 'Simon'; watching television.

They were munching on a pizza. One that seemed like a popular food delivery in the recent trends.

The duo enjoyed the benefits of being a 'Noble' that could laze away while Commoners worked.

Not seeing anything bad about using their authority. Because, after all, this was all Adam's.

The territory, money, influence, etc…

Everything was something Solaris had earned.

But there was one matter that was concerning the Landlord ever since Hyuk kept leaving with Lucia.

"Won't they get caught?" He changed the channel to the Journal News, made purely by Journalists.

"They won't." 'Simon' blankly munched without giving them much thought. It was too obvious.

"What if they attack him because he does something stupid. You won't disagree with this."

"…Right. There's an average chance for that to happen. He's not the type to stay quiet for long."


"Don't worry. He can handle himself well. You may have forgotten, but he's a Martial King in strength."

"What rating would that be…?" He thought about his system messages, which was understood fast.

"The lower A Tier at very least."

"At least…?" Adam had went through hell for who knows how long, but Hyuk was still at least a full Tier stronger than him?! It… was unfair to hear. He thought there'd at least fairness in this world, so-

"I can hear your brain cooking up a storm from here. If you want to say something… Say it."

"…I worked harder than him." Maybe it was thanks to being trained by a drunk, but he felt immature.

But it just HAD TO be addressed…

"You think you can compare to anyone else." There was traces of a derisive smile on the youth's face.

"I mean… I fought your future self for years."

"You got beaten up for years, then gave up and stuck your head in a shell." 'Simon' corrected him.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" That was going too far.

Who did this bastard think he was?!

"Well, am I talking nonsense?"


"I what…?" Even though the eccentric had no facial expression, the way he titled his head showed good body language. Regardless of what was inside, the outside was enough to insult him.

…But why?

Adam would have been strung along easily if this was a previous time, but now he had Lumina inside.

The moment he as Solaris flared up in anger, the consciousness at the back thought objectively.

Was this a perk of having two minds?

Lumina didn't voice anything, but her calmness rubbed off on him. It allowed him to think rationally.

"…What do you want? I can tell you're trying to teach me something important. You don't need to do this to get me to listen." Adam's empty eyes made the eccentric smirk for the first time.

An expression that was so rare that it nearly blew him off his feet., but his thoughts were interrupted:

"Really sorry, I WAS screwing with you." The words didn't match the attitude. 'Simon' just shrugged.

"Then you didn't mean anything…?"

"I didn't say that."

"Alright, smart guy. What was your point."

"Please don't get offended."

"Pah! Offended? I'm already way past that." He smacked his lips and started at him aggressively.

Holy Progenitor scratched the back of his head while being brutally honest about what he knew:

"You're intelligent, but you aren't that talented."

"Speak properly. All I'm hearing is nonsense."

"It's a proven fact."

"Bullshit. If you're smart enough, you can get a hang of anything. It's like having a high IQ."

"You think having a high IQ and talent are similar?"

"Memory, comprehension, cognitive functions, kinetic vision, etc… I'm a prodigy with everything."

"Whelp… I'm glad you're confident."

"You're saying I'm overconfident, huh?!" Adam read too deep: "It's not like your better than me."

Now this was the meaning of 'disrespect'.

For someone who had been beaten down for who knows how long, the man was unusually confident.

"How'd you figure that?" 'Simon' had no reaction.

"I'm old enough to be your dad- No, I could probably be your ancestor, Mr 18 years old!"

"Age doesn't mean everything."

"Then do you want to compare stats?" Adam made a really punchable face filled with sheer arrogance.

There was a good enough reason for this.

Since the current Simon Rainglow wasn't even a fraction of his original age, his stats must be lower.

On top of that, he himself wasn't exactly 'dumb'.

"Stats also don't mean everything."

"Sounds like the excuse of a sore loser."

"You may be right."

"You see?!" The Landlord finally felt like he had the high ground on this bastard. He could deny it all.

"But I'm still going to stick by what I've said."

"How petty…"

"You might think so, but have you thought about it?" 'Simon' invited an intellectually discussion.

"…" Rather than giving a response, he did exactly what was suggested despite his annoying act.

He thought about how the Character Traits themselves had been more like labels to him.

They didn't even update unless he overtly showed his change in disposition. It was kinda lacklustre…

Then did that mean everything else was too…?

"You thought of it right." The eccentric didn't need to read his mind to understand what he thought.

But Adam still felt some bias towards Gaia.

'What is the highest Tier human beings on Earth are born with?' He secretly shifted his vision.

His eye roll hiding his request to Gaia herself.

[Fun Fact: A Tier is the normal human limit of any one stat. There is only a 0.000000000000001% chance of there being even the possibility of someone being naturally born with an S Tier stat.]

This was all he needed to know.

"I'll believe you if your IQ is higher than mine."

"Are you planning to check through 'that'? It isn't really accurate when it comes to real intellect."

"The Agility Tier at least relates to the processing speed of the mind. What? Are you not confident?"

'Simon' hesitated… His blank face couldn't hide the action of not being able to answer immediately.

"You'll really listen to me if I'm a higher Tier?"

"I'll call you 'Father' if you're higher, but if you lose this… You believe anything I say from now on. If I say the sky is red, you nod your head. No take backs on this ." He accidentally made this a deal.

[Both parties had agreed to a contract. Your 'Geis Promise' has been applied to your current words.]

The situation became even better for him.

He wondered what Skill would be born if this Geis was applied. Would it be similar to hypnosis?

"…You still haven't got over what I did to you, huh?"

"And how is that relevant?"

"You make a fair point. Alright, then let's show each other our Agility Tier stat on the count of three.




3…!" The decisive moment wasn't a quick draw. It was already decided who would win this battle.

Adam puffed out his chest and threw out the blue screen that showed a Tier that was beyond human.

[Agility Tier- S (Rare)]

For a brief moment, 'Simon' looked surprised upon seeing such a ridiculous stat. It was way too odd…

'Rare' was just one level higher than 'Common'. It meant Adam had put effort into improving the Tier.

However, that wasn't really possible…

One could not simply 'train' the brain. So the stat getting higher needed countless experiences.

Maturation over centuries at least…

Otherwise, some special kind of Art would be used.

Regardless, the eccentric wasn't expecting the Landlord to have broken through human limits.

"Embarrassed? Now why don't you show-"

[Agility Tier- SSS (Supreme}]

*Cough* *Cough* *Cough* Adam almost choked on his words after seeing such an absurd stat.

He couldn't believe it…

That drunkard was born a heaven defying prodigy?



"Now…" The eccentric caught his attention by flicking his finger, then spoke in a bland tone:

"You can call me Father, my boy."