Manic Pixie Nightmare Girl

Love was a complex promise.

Some might say it was feeling affection, but even that was something that fades with enough time.

Love was more complex than an emotion.

Thus, it needed to be taught before being put into practice. Otherwise, intuitive guesses were hard.

It was difficult to know how to love someone.

But someone experienced could probably tell a person the shortcoming and 'rules' of being in love.

This what what created Hyuk's personal tenets.

The first tenet was 'Transaction'.

SS06 thought of what she'd heard. Her eyes revealed a complex look while baring her body.

She used Hyuk's room like it was her own.

Taking her time to inspect every nook and cranny of herself. She figured out her own capabilities.

She looked her own eyes in the mirror, and saw that they had a way too strong intensity to them.

There was no way she'd pass off as submissive.

It was important to her, as without such a 'gentle' persona… Adam wouldn't be able to get a hard-on.

She experienced firsthand the 'type' he was.

Not a sadist that brought pain on his partners, but a teaser who liked poking at another's weakness.

He loved doing the opposite of what others wanted. Which was a good opportunity for her.

Because the body and fetishes were what the first tenet described. It wasn't a transaction of 'love'.

Rather, it was about pleasure.

A prostitute could dress nice and be submissive in bed, but the customer always 'transacted' first.

Making sure his bed partner got what she wanted.

It was only then would the prostitute reciprocate with the pleasures of the intermingling bodies.

The same could be said for a male prostitute.

There was a kind of emotional unavailability in the act, as the two individuals didn't come to socialise.

All any of them wanted was to fuck.

Plunge themselves, suck, take in a big load, etc.

And when they were done, both parties would be satisfied with what they got from 'Transaction'.

This was the first tenet Hyuk had ever learned.

If compatibility was an issue, the basis of trust could be formed on how each person benefited.

After all, relationships were a two-way street.

No matter how strong your feelings were towards another person, this was a basic requirement.

How do both sides benefit?

SS06 dropped the shirt and pants too looks at her perfect curves. Visually, she was a bombshell.

But did that even matter?

Perhaps Adam found the appearance he'd imagined after taking her information to be real sexy, but that wasn't something that he wanted from others. Nor was it what he wanted in others.

The person she admired was much simpler…

'He just wants to be on top.' SS06 knew. This was probably a desire cultivated from his many losses.

To control someone else's fate… How manipulative.

No matter how much she tried to pass herself off as non-scary, the gamer would never trust it at all.

Thus, she had nothing to 'give', even if Adam himself couldn't give her the satisfaction of love.

The satisfaction of being his.

Right now, she was happy he thought of her as a loyal sex slave that wouldn't end up hurting him…

…at least in the short run anyway.

Adam knew of her feelings, as well as every small detail about her body. He'd 'digested' it smoothly.

And so, she moved on to the next belief.

The tenet of 'Submission'.

This wasn't submitting to someone in the physical belief, but giving up control in the emotional sense.

Admitting that nothing was able to be controlled.

If she wanted to truly love him, she needed to believe and have some layer of trust in him.

Even if he didn't reciprocate that feeling currently.

This point was hard for her to imagine, as she'd never really thought of 'trusting' him in any way.

Originally, Adam was just a 'love' dispenser to her.

Someone who could give her the affection she never had. To take care of her like she was his.

But this mindset was wrong.

There was no such thing as 'love' between an object and a wielder. Trust may be there, but the imbalanced transaction of power would eventually cause him to neglect her. Not caring who she was.

And this couldn't be forgiven!

SS06 still hadn't been given a name. How could the elf girl easily let him believe that she was easy?

She needed to pick his interest in some form…

There was only one tenet that impacted her most.

The belief that became a seed in her heart that was sprouting rapidly. Blooming into a renewed feeling.

This heartfelt tenet was known as 'Devotion'.

A word she was already familiar with.

She'd give everything to please her master, even if that meant giving up her life for reckless desires.

It's why she could offer up her flesh so easily.

That word started to make her feel horny as she innocently kneaded her breasts and lower body.

Poking her thin fingers into her hole.

She imagined being ravaged. The way he'd tie her up and impregnate her without needing to ask.

No, she wanted him to make a statement with it.

Saying that she is hers. That her pussy was his sex toy, and that her womb was his incubation tool.

Objectify her until she was not even a servant.

But his favourite existence.

Someone he'd never let go of or look away from ever again. He'd stay with her for love-making.

Day and night they would go at it like animals…

Her eyes glowed red, but she managed to hold down her insatiable lust to think more clearly.

Her immortality would break him.

The feelings she bottled up in her heart would end up draining all his vitality. This was really serious.

She hadn't thought about the mental and physical aspects initially, so Hyuk's words felt like water.

Coldly splashing away the thoughts in her head.

Vividly showing that her feelings were heavy enough to turn him into a skeleton beyond saving.


She felt clarity post-orgasm. Feeling like she was lost in a sea of hopeless. Unable to 'capture' him.

His heart was locked away from reach…

This was when she remembered the last tenet Hyuk had explained. The one that was called…


In the pursuit of pure and taintless love, it was better to put some effort into the other person.

Seducing them, but most of all… communicating.

Without that, taking control of another would be too forceful. She needed to keep a good balance.

Switching between the four tenets and making sure she didn't completely fall into just one category.

With the emotional investment, also needed the separation of 'Transaction'. A line needed drawing.

And so, SS06 put her clothes back on and left.

Leaving a wet mark in front of the mirror…

She went through Hyuk's belongings and found some interesting toys that were stashed away.

The elven cambion walked with a straight back.

She passed by the Martial King of Dual Cultivation on the way, who was surprised to see the two things she took. He decided to ignore it since he trusted the girl wouldn't try harming his patient.

He'd made sure to drill that into her psyche.

When she arrived in her master's room, she saw him hiding away a box and pulling up his pants.

He seemed to have tried something on.

Or had maybe done something else.

Regardless, that wasn't important to her. It wasn't like Hyuk would do anything weird to her master.

When SS06 walked in, Adam had a clear visual image of her in his mind. It was completely clear.

Her weight, the way she carried herself, and other factors were calculated to create a virtual image.

The only thing he couldn't see was what she held.

Her head bowed to the ground respectfully, all the way without holding anything back in her posture.

Then she spoke to him:

"Please give me a name." She made a request to him, and the first time asking something sincere.

To be more than just a tool in his eyes, she needed a proper name that would be able to identify her.

And Adam didn't seem against giving that to her.

He held his chin and thought for a bit, then threw out a random name that he made on the spot.

"Eva… That is your name. If you don't like it, make one up yourself." Adam didn't think much of it all.

A name was nothing to someone who had one.

But for the girl who'd only been treated as an disposable experimental subject, it shook her greatly. She didn't know that being acknowledged as more than an object could feel so wonderful.

Like she was floating above the clouds.

SS06- No… 'Eva' got to her feet and approached the wolf boy. Her strange actions scaring him.

'Did she not like it?' Adam thought. Maybe he had been too indifferent about giving such a bad name.

Should he quickly tell her he'll think of another?

One that wasn't one letter off being called 'Eve'?

But was somehow surprised by what she did. Her hands wrapped around his shoulders and hugged.

"Thank you… For making me feel real." She spoke with only the truthful sincerity he couldn't doubt.

Making her heart seem clear.

But underneath, she knew that this was a calculated action meant to stir his own emotions.

She pragmatically used her own heart as a tool.

Her heartfelt tears were real, but she was clear about her actions being seen innocent and sweet.

Much different than how she usually reacted.

If she truly let her body did what it wanted, Eva would have pulled his pants down and sucked him.

Rather than doing such non-sexual contact.

Even without seeing his face, the elven girl knew what he was feeling from the tent hurting her belly.

The vulnerability she showed had attracted him.

But she knew this wasn't enough to make him act differently. Adam was good at controlling himself.

She pulled her head back and nestled in his embrace, looking him in the eye with dignity.

She couldn't allow her feeling to rise too high.

At the very least, she needed to cover one emotion with another if she wanted to avoid his detection.

Even without his eyes, the wolf knew all about her.

The data he'd gulped down had been analysed.

Even if she controlled her expression properly, it was impossible to hide the spike in her heartbeat.

It was better for her if he misunderstood her.

"Can I use your last name after mine?" She didn't act seductive, but truly showed what she felt.


The fear that he'd reject giving her even this. A token to say that they were one of the same.

"Why…?" As expected, he didn't agree that easily.

"It's like we're married." When she said this, it was like her understandable actions put him at ease.

He smiled, and sighed with a nod: "Sure."

"I'll always be thankful for what you did."

"I didn't do much. You came to me on your own. If that didn't happen, we would have never met." This rang more true than he realised. There wasn't much he could fathom with what she'd told him.

After all, there wasn't much she actually knew.

What the 'Silverwolf Project' was. Why she was experimented on… These things were a mystery.

And were totally irrelevant to her now.

"Adam…" She dared to speak his name directly without any honourifics, like they were close.

She spoke the words she'd avoided before.

It was because she didn't know if she was worthy of saying those words to someone so high above.

An existence that far surpassed her in superiority.

However, if she wanted to get what she desired, it had to be clear so he wouldn't misunderstand.

Eva spoke while blushing: "I love you to death."

She didn't allow her uncontrollable lust to control her and push him down, but looked in his eyes.

Paying attention to his reaction…

"That's…" He hesitated, which was an action she couldn't comprehend. Why wasn't he accepting it?

She knew this was why he'd saved her anyway.

It was only then she realised that he was growing a conscience. This fact made her realise her position.

What would happen if he had a 'conscience'?

He would probably try to create a distance between them and try to make her independent.

It was an act she could NEVER allow.

She was his possession. How could imagine a life without him? A life where she'd be totally isolated.

Completely alone…

Romance was the only relationship she knew existed between men and women. Nothing else.

Test subjects were alone when they were born.

And died alone too.

She couldn't allow him to become more of a 'good person'. It was better to see the worst of his heart.

No matter how deeply impure it was, it'd have a place for her inside. A place she could nestle in.

Which was why she got off of his lap herself.

Adam was surprised when she walked to the door and left the two objects she took on the floor.

"Where are you going?" When she heard this, she stopped herself from actually looking at his face.

If she actually looked, her plan would fail.

Because she knew hiding her feelings was difficult.

"I'm going to Kang Hyuk." She didn't feel ashamed of bringing his name into this, which would understandably hurt Adam's pride. It was a strange and confining desire that made him feel humiliated.

Like someone else had achieved from his 'project'.

He had put a lot of effort into remaking her body from scratch. Saved her from impending doom.

So he EXPECTED her to only look at him.

That's why, the way she started looking for another so suddenly made him feel a sense of urgency.

He didn't want her to be taken away from him.

"Why? Are you hurt anywhere?" Adam played dumb to keep his cool, but she didn't let him.

"Sorry… but I'm feeling too 'wet'. I don't want to be satisfied with just licks and fingers anymore." She spoke in a dry tone of voice. Not hiding anything and speaking whatever was coming to her head.

"…Alright." He held it in, and realised his own shortcomings by thinking of her like an object.

It was true that he was scared of her a little. He didn't know if 'entering' her meant dying again.

His strong survival instincts wouldn't let him risk it.

The moment he let her go, was the moment Eva knew that she'd failed to stroke his nerves enough.

However, she had a backup plan for this!

Turning around, she picked up the two objects that had been dropped next to his feet near the bed.

Adam unconsciously grabbed her wrist when she did, which made him realise what they were.

A non-hair stick bondage tape, and a strange object that seemed to be similar to a type of plug.

He wasn't sure where this was supposed to go.

"What's this?" He asked without thinking, and immediately regretted after realising what it was.

Eva snatched it from his hand violently.

Leaving him blankly staring at her with his hands held high. The duct tape thing was gone as well.

"Sorry… That was an accident." She went towards the door once again, but this time he felt pissed.

The attitude she had was disrespectful to him.

Maybe not to the point a stranger would offend him, but he'd definitely wouldn't take this from her.

"Hey…!" He slammed the door before she could leave, asking: "What do ya think you're playing at?"

"I'm leaving."

"What for? Did I do something wrong?"

She turned her head to look him in the eye, and the question he'd asked was answered all on his own.

Yes, he DID offend her.

Saying he wouldn't have sex with her because he felt 'scared' was cowardly. He knew her sincerity.

Still, he chose to keep his distance from her.

"You won't push me down." She played with the sex toys in her hand, but Adam kept composure.

The sexual tension was uncomfortable…

"Yeah…" He didn't refute her. When he regained his clarity, he once again tried to move away from her.

"Then why not someone else?" When she spoke this, Adam wasn't sure what she actually meant.

"I'm planning to go to the brothel near here. So why bring that up?" He moved his body away.

A clear step backwards…

"But they wouldn't let you use THIS, right?" She approached with the two sex toys in her hand.

"…I don't need to-"

"Don't be such a pussy. Are you saying that you never even wanted to try some of these out? To try out some of your darkest fantasies?" She waved the bondage tape in front of the eyes of the sadist.

Her words were like honey… which drew him in.

"Just get to the point." He wasn't a fan of beating the bush. The elf girl didn't keep him in suspense.

"You don't have to go out from the safety of your home. I'll bring the girls here for you myself."


"Not just any kind, but the ones willing to live in your room until you finally put a ring on that finger."

"There's no need for that…"

"You didn't let me finish." She leaned in close and continued: "They'll do whatever you tell them."

"You're not planning on buying slaves, are you?"

"Where would I get the money for that~?" Eva opened her arms and acted completely innocent.

She wasn't lying about that.

There was no way for her to do such a thing.

"Alright. Fine." He accepted her proposition. This would be the worst decision he had ever made.

One that he'd regret for the rest of his life.

Eva smiled had innocently at the time. Her intent wasn't impure when she made this suggestion.

But there was someone who'd change this.

Her original plans to convince some hardcore ones among the Prostitute Class at the brothel changed.

The time to meet Clara Arcadia and the mother of Lucia came. They were both waiting downstairs.

Eva changed into a black dress with an open back that seemed the style of someone like Lumina.

She didn't care if anyone looked at her.

Now, Adam seemed more comfortable and allowed her to lock arms with him while descending steps.

It was time for the five of them to discuss things.