Overindulgent Corruption

When a person's feelings grow too strong, they tend to bring out their potential in brief glimpses.

The sheer rage of being unable to accept reality could explode one's adrenaline to its highest spike.

Allowing even an weak old woman to lift a car.

If rage could do such a thing, then what about lust?

If one was to cycle through the seven sins, they would find the innate desires all humans had.

Wrath came from dissatisfaction. When you were unable to the disgust and malice within your belly.

Pride came from dignity. When your own reflection becomes more important than what's outside of it.

Sloth came from laziness. When you're unable to resist that desire to rest more than you should.

Envy came from spite. When someone having something you don't can't even be comprehended.

Gluttony came from hunger. When you feel like your starving and want even more replenishment.

Greed came from loss. When you feel like you have nothing even with what you have already acquired.

And lust…

It was a cry for desire much deeper than anything.

To want… To need… Even if the end goal was forever from your grasp. Doing anything to attain it.

This lead to the situation Adam found himself in.

In the 'Love Nest', where red ribbons hung from the ceiling, he felt his eyes hurt, and his System silent.

'Why…?' He weakly thought while realising two things. Crucial details that changed everything.

The first was his unresponsive Taboo System. The second was the fact that… he could finally 'see'.

Not with his other senses, but with his eyes.

He could finally SEE through his own pupils.

But it also seemed to hurt a lot.

Like a chord forcibly tied his nerves together.

After being blind for such a long time, even a touch of light was blinding. It was good that this place had a natural dimness instead of sunlight, or else he would have experienced his eyes being burnt.

He blinked a few times and realised the position he was in. He was sitting on a cozy looking mattress.

In front of him was a woman wearing a fetish outfit that was so intricately woman… he was left in awe.

Breathless at the sight.

It seemed to use an Arabian harem outfit as the base. Eva, that girl… she was wearing a veil.

A transparent one that couldn't cover her smile.

He barely recognised her in this erotic outfit.

His eyes didn't know where to start looking. It felt like each article of clothing was meant to arouse.

Capturing his attention completely…

One of the red ribbons came down to tie her arms in each direction. They twirled around her elbows from each shoulder until becoming a bow. That knot tied her to him. Her arms wrapped his waist.

It was as if she was given no choice but to hold onto him. As if he had forced her to knell on his lap.

If that knot was on its own, she could probably have lifted her arms to escape pretty easily.

However, that wasn't the only use of the ribbons.

There was one that had tied onto a collar with a reversed leash. Her neck was hung by the ribbon.

This forced her body up and seemingly suffocated her a little, but all she needed to do was get up.

So long as she stood up, wouldn't it all be over?

It was then he saw the unfamiliar pink tape he'd seen for the first time binding her under the knees.

She was kneeling while suspended in the air by the collar, and the knot put her arms towards his waist.

It was definitely uncomfortable…

Perhaps it was thanks to Eva's immortality that she wasn't turning blue right now from suffocation.

Barely able to hold on…

Thank goodness her body was pretty durable.

If not, her neck would've already snapped by now.

Or at least dislocated out of its regular placement.

Adam wanted to talk to her, but there was another ribbon acting as a gag… Her eyes seemed strained.

Like despite the position, she was enjoying the act of squirming around while being hung up like this.

It made him less rushed to break her out.

He instead started to inspect the rest of her body.

A transparent black veil covering a red gag for her face, but what about the rest of her sexy body?

He started to look lower…

Adam didn't talk to her because he knew… She could definitely spit out that gag if she felt like it.

Moreover, there was hearts in her eyes…

She wore a strange pair of lingerie on her pale white skin. There was a bra that exposed her breasts, while also wearing a heart-shaped boob sticker as if to add more to what she was wearing.

What was with the number of these clothes…?

Especially with how there was a silk bow knot between her breasts. The bra seem very fragile…

Enough that he could probably easily tear it off.

A line of white transparent fabric on her under-boobs topped it off. Making it look high class.

Was she a call girl or something…?

There was another transparent black cloth hanging down from under her belly button and past her private parts, but it failed to hide the exposing panties. Her pussy similarly hidden by a sticker.

Her garter-belt and stocking was only icing on the cake. Especially with those long sleeved gloves.

Wasn't stocking and long-sleeves gloves the most common fetish wear a man could give a woman?

Did that mean he had really done this to her?

How odd of him to put several layers on her chest area. First was the nipple exposing bra, then the heart stickers, which was followed by the transparent black fabric that covered two of them.

Gold ornaments scattered around in her outfit.

He coughed, and felt severely ill again. There was still a set amount of time before his life was forfeit.

Thus, he decided to unfasten the gag around her mouth… and asked what he had been thinking of:

"Where is the exit? Where is the door?" He ignored the saliva dripping down her cheeks from having her mouth opened by the gag. It was dripping down to her breast and making her look amorous.

A dangerous kind of sexy…

"…" She didn't give in.

Only smiling at him back.

Gus emotions started fluctuating…

If he could feel regret, maybe he would have thought about why she would go to this extent.

After all, regret gave way for reflection.

Without it, those who were faced with adversity of their own machination would act as Adam would.

'Taking action' rather than giving it any thought.

Killing intent arose without any prior signs.

He suddenly grabbed the neck of the string up woman without hesitation. Her face turning blue.

"Let me out of here…!" His trauma of dark spaces was triggering again, and it was turning worse.

So why wasn't she letting him out?

*Cough* *Cough* "Haaaah~" She treated his strangling as a sort of breath play, and didn't seem to care about his mental condition. He quickly realised that any sort of force wouldn't work.

He let go of her neck without a second thought.

Adam then leaned in close. Speaking to her in a gentle tone while hiding the irritation in his heart.

"Please…" He stroked her cheek.

But that didn't move her to talk as well. She just kept on taking his hostility and affections silently.

One thing he didn't realise was his own sloppiness.

No task went well when rushed like this, yet Adam was using every one of his methods thoughtlessly.

His fickle nature being the crutch of his failures.

It was at this point he started to become much more rational- or rather… much less agreeable.

He sat a bit of distance away in front of her while biting his nail. Jittering whenever he had ideas.

'No no… Not that. Maybe this? No. That will never work.' His thoughts reached the final stage of his personal despair. Denial settled in peacefully, and his pride wouldn't let his actions sully his dignity.

There was no way he'd submissively listen to her.

Though a different variant than what she wanted, it was true he believed himself to be the dominant male. Maybe not an 'Alpha', but enough to be considered something similar to such a thing,

At the very least, he wasn't some wimp.

But that very mentality was turned against him.

Being a wimp would be letting her off, and being a naive idiot would be going along with her drama.

It was better to find a way out himself…

'Wait… There is that too.' He suddenly remembered his Sea of Consciousness turned into a dimension.

He wasn't weak anymore.

It was time to escape.

But just as he started to manifest his Sea of Consciousness, his brain started to feel paralysed.

The grass and leaves that were about about to envelop him became withered. Being poisoned.

His connection was cut…

…and the pain the accompanied it was no joke.

"Aa-AAAAARGHHH!!!" He let out a delayed screech like an inhuman monster. The white of his eyes red.

His sight suddenly became much more clearer, and so did his other senses. It was like an explosion.

A burst of information that overloaded his rate of digestion. It was a type of mental suffocation…

His eyes landed on the strong up eld girl.

She smiled at him satanically, and finally spoke to him… with a drawn out atmosphere in her words:

"Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden for their sins, but their children ended up becoming humanity." Eva stared at him. Seeing how he was experiencing exactly what she had predicted.

Her words timed perfectly.

Adam didn't need her to say more on what she wanted as an exchange for letting him leave.

The way she opened her pussy with the hands tied in front of her was enough to understand it all.

The pink creases and texture of her insides were exposed for him to see, and he couldn't look away.

His overloaded senses were trying to find a beacon that it could focus on. Allowing him to feel comfort.

Comfort being the desire all men and women sought, which was what lead to indulgent lust.

This thought wasn't lost on the cyan wolf boy…

So long as he accepted her invitation, he would end up falling into a trap he wasn't ready for.


He wasn't ready to have a child yet. Even if there was a beauty submissively offering her womb.

Moreover, it would dirty his sense of pride.

He couldn't accept this. Rather to face death then live a life of shame. He wouldn't do what he didn't want to. After all, he didn't have the mental capacities to understand what 'giving in' meant.

It was either his way or highway.


Finger claws extended out under his nails, and he boldly cut the red ribbons that held her up high.

She fell on the bed-like ground of the 'Love Nest' shamefully. Unable to hide her pathetic figure.

The bindings wouldn't even let her face up to or turn around. Only letting her lay down face first.

Gradually, she started to lift herself…

Because of the tape binding her legs and ribbons on her arms, she could only lift her ass up first.

But just as she was about to get into a sitting position, Adam kicked her over without hesitation.

Turning her to look upwards face first.

"You WILL tell me the way out." His eyes started to be coated in killing intent once more. Inevitably.

His foot smacking down onto her stomach.

"You call yourself my 'possession', but you fucking trap me in this place for your own amusement? I'll make you regret-" Suddenly, he found himself finally observing the changes in his own body.

The Pure Wolf Sword Physique being unlocked was one thing, but why was he completely naked?

On top of that, since when did she put the condom on him? His manhood was already standing erect…

His eyes suddenly turned down to see that she seemed to be squirming in happiness from his attention. Believing this was just a way he was expressing 'love', even if it was in a twisted sense.

Maybe it was because her body was making contact with him, but he suddenly felt numb.

As if his strength was leaving his body.

The pent up sexual desires that had been affecting him suddenly started to overcome his very being.

Overcoming even his prideful ego…

Adam couldn't describe the feeling that was overcoming him. Only that it felt like a 'scream'.

One his heart failed to silence at this moment.