Voyages in the Night

(John's P.O.V)

Sex with Nerina was the most intense experience I've had thus far, and a total shock that it even happened like this. Now I'm waiting with William on the deck, for Nerina to get back from interrupting the other girls' sexcapades.

"I can't believe that you allowed Corie to go off with Harry! Why didn't you stop them?" I yell out, not being able to contain myself any longer.

"How could you not control yourself with my granddaughter?" He shoots back.

"Hey! She came on to me, William. I just went in to talk to her and next thing I know we are having sex!" I say, trying to push the blame off me.

"Oh sure, blame my granddaughter when she isn't here to defend herself." He hisses out.

Before I could respond, the door to the lower level opens and Nerina along with the girls, Edward, Harry, Arthur and three other men walk out looking disheveled and glowering at Nerina's back. I catch Harry's eye and he, smartly, looks embarrassed and looks away quickly from me.

"Alright you guys, we need to get going before the sunset and the tide goes out." William calls out.

"Men, to the Hangman, ladies, you'll stay aboard the Siren." I state.

The men hug the ladies and I grab Nerina and give her a chaste kiss before leaving the ship for my own. Once aboard the Hangman, we begin preparations to set sail, making sure we had adequate supplies. William had gone back to his quarters to get the incantation out of the desk. He had noticed that it was written on the back of what appeared to be a map. He places the map on a box of supplies near the helm, using stones to keep the map from rolling back up. We all gather around because this is information we are all going to need.

"It looks like Selene has already marked our coordinates of where we need to be, and it looks like it will only take us a day and a half to get there."

"That's as long as we don't run into any squalls or other nasty weather," Edward murmurs.

"That's why we need to leave now." Harry concurs.

We continue discussing our route, and it looks like we had already been in the right area prior to us making landfall in Bermuda all that time ago. A small island quite literally in the middle of the ocean with no official name, however, we knew it as the Twice Cursed Island.

"Does Nerina know how to read a map? Wait, do they even HAVE the map?" I question.

I just thought of the fact that these women grew up in the 20th century with 20th century technology.

"Oh fuck, I forgot to ask." William says with a look of horror on his face.

We all quickly scramble BACK over to the Siren to make sure that she had the map from the Moon Goddess and to make sure that at least one of them knows how to read a map. We make it aboard the Siren and find the girls taking photos of themselves on their phones. Seriously? Their phones made it back here!? William puts his fingers to his mouth and whistles long and loud, causing the girls to jump and look at us.

"What?" Nerina asks sharply.

"Do you guys have a map of where we are going? And do any of you know how to READ said map?" William asks.

Nerina pulls a piece of parchment out of her bosom, which apparently is common practice for women, and showed it to William and myself. We checked it over and saw that it matched the map that William had in his possession.

"Okay, you have the map, but that doesn't answer the second question. Do any of you know how to read a map?" I ask again.

"Duh, grandpa, of course we do." Corie says, rolling her eyes at me.

"Roll those eyes at me again, granddaughter, and I'll make sure you go back to the future without helping us." I warn.

She immediately clammed up, sealing her lips as if she were locking them with a key and then throwing said key over her shoulder. Women are strange.

"The island we are going to is known as the Twice Cursed Island, so you need to be aware of your surroundings. We have never made landfall there, so we don't know what we will find there. Since we found out that the Moon Goddess and witches are in fact real, we need to be prepared for anything." William explains.

The girls nod in agreement and as the sun begins to set, it's time for us to leave the docks and make way to the island. William and I walk back over to the Bloody Hangman as we watch the Sirens Curse leave the docks ahead of us.

"Honestly, kind of wish I was on board that ship just to experience what it would be like to sail with those women. Would definitely be a cheap laugh," I say with a chuckle.

"Well, let's just hope that they can make it there with no problems. Let's go John; we need to set sail so we aren't too far behind them." William states, turning to the gangway to board the ship.

I can feel the adrenaline coursing through me in anticipation for sailing for the first time in I don't even know how long. I feel like I am back at home standing on the deck of the Bloody Hangman, and I know the others feel the same. Hopefully, this journey will prove fruitful, and we will end this curse. I just hope at the end of all of this, I get to go back to the future with Nerina. I couldn't pinpoint it exactly but something about her just draws me to her. I want to get to know her; inside and out.