Undead Guardians

(William's P.O.V)

As we scoured the right side of the island, the ladies having taken the left side/middle of the island, we were all lost in our own thoughts. Thoughts of how the curse will end, what will happen to us, what our next steps will be. I knew that after lifting the curse, I would join my beautiful Charlotte. I couldn't live this life without her and knowing that she was killed so brutally makes my heart ache for the fact that I wasn't there to save her or protect her. We've been searching for hours when the weather suddenly shifts, clouds cover the sky, the wind picks up, and the rain begins to fall. A siren, by the name of Pearl, was running out of the tree line towards us.

"They found the treasure!" She calls over the storm.

We all run to where she's standing and follow her back to where the girls are, and what we find is more than I could possibly comprehend. The girls were surrounded, with their swords drawn, by what could only be described as zombies. These men had patches of skin missing, exposing bone, or exposing a whole-body part such as an arm or leg. They too had their swords drawn, advancing upon the girls. One zombie to Nerina's left struck first, but she blocked the movement just in time, parrying his strike and taking off one of his arms. No blood fell from the wound, so they truly were undead. I'm pulled out of my revere by Edward.

"Come on! They need our help! Let's go!" He shouted, taking off towards the mayhem.

We all follow suit, running to battle to help protect our granddaughters and their friends.

"Nice of you guys to finally show up!" Kailani shouts out, blocking what could have been a deadly blow from her attacker.

"Yeah, did you have a nice, romantic walk on the beach?" Nikita yells as she stabs her attacker where his heart should be.

Nikita pulls her sword from the zombie's chest and watch as it falls into the sand, lying motionless.

"Hmm, well that was easier than I thought it would be." She comments, about to turn her back and head into battle once more when the zombie began to move again.

"Spoke too soon, lass," The zombie says.

"What in the actual fuck!?" She screams, shocked by the fact that they can talk.

The zombie is still on the ground, so I take the opportunity to plunge my sword through his skull. His glazed-over eyes roll to the back of his head, and he lies motionless once more. While the battle rages on around us, Nikita and I stand still waiting for any sign of movement from the undead fucker. After what seems like minutes, there was no movement from him, his eyes still at the back of his skull.

"Everyone! Go for the head! Stab them through the brain!" I yell.

Nikita and I join the fray, and it seemed like more zombies had joined the fight than what there were originally. They just kept multiplying! We hear a great keening sound and see other creatures joining us, helping us.

"What are those things!?" I yell at Nerina, who is by my side.

"Those would be the finfolk, sea nymphs, and sirens coming to the rescue gramps!" She shouts back as she plunges her sword between the eyes of the zombie she was fighting.

"Go for the heads!" I hear Edward shout out to the newcomers.

Who would have thought that all of these creatures were real, particularly these zombie-people type things? I mean, I had watched Walking Dead, so I know what they are supposed to look like, but still, seeing them in person is something else.

"This is like something out of Pirates of the Caribbean! It's awesome!" Nikita yells with glee.

Something is seriously wrong with that child.

"I know right!?" Anne giggles back.

Fucking hell, she's giggling? The fuck is wrong with these women.

"This is so much fun!" Ashe screams, slicing a zombie's head in half like it was cake.

These women are fucking psychotic and they need help. I catch John's eye and he is pale with fear, and not fear of the zombie's but of these women!

"Can we do this again for my next birthday!?" Nerina squeals as she removes her sword from the head of yet another zombie.

Maybe that will make John think twice about touching my granddaughter again. Pervert. The fighting rages on, we've all taken some hits from the swords of the zombies but nothing that would be deemed life-threatening. We are all growing tired, these zombies just keep cropping up out of no where it seems and it feels as if we are battling the many-headed hydra, slicing off one head only for another to grow back. I finish dispatching one zombie and move onto one that is advancing on Corie, whose back is turned while fighting off a zombie already. I run towards the zombie that is raising his sword to attack when his face catches my eye.

"GREYBEARD!" I yell out.

The zombie turns to look at me, stopping completely, and I see the recognition dawn on his face.

"Stop this now! We are trying to end the curse and you are fighting us for no reason!"

"You are here to steal the treasure! The curse cannot be broken, this is what becomes of us William! This is your fate!" He yells, running at me, sword raised.

I parry his blow and slice through his abdomen.

"I promise you, grandfather, we are truly here to end Beatrix's curse. We know that she put something inside the chest that would reverse this for us." I say as his sword clashes with mine.

"You know nothing boy!" He growls out.

For zombies, these things are spritely and very articulate.

"Please, grandfather. I am here with Nerina, my granddaughter and yours. She is here to help lift this curse because it affects her too. Please just stop." I plead with a grunt, as his sword connects with my shoulder properly lodging itself there.

This is not good, there may be no coming back from this wound.